段续风 发表于 2006-9-28 17:49:08

Restrict access to your e-gold account (EG防范注意事项)

Restrict access to your e-gold account
e-gold's Account Sentinel™ (a.k.a. AccSent™) enhances the security of your e-gold account by enabling you to direct the circumstances under which your account may be accessed. AccSent was designed to provide you an additional level of protection in the event your passphrase is compromised due to poor security practices on your part (we hope this does not describe you!). However, AccSent's features should not be regarded as diminishing the importance of reading and practicing ALL of the recommendations on this page.

Do not click links in unsolicited email messages
Do not fill out forms in e-mail messages
[*]e-mail may not be from who it claims to be from (i.e. spoofed). Many common Internet frauds start with spoofed e-mail.[*]Viruses can be delivered to your computer by simply looking at a web page using a vulnerable web browser.Verify website identity before entering passphrase
Fraudulent "phishing" websites designed to trick you into divulging your passphrase or other sensitive information are common. Spoofed e-mail (see above) is commonly used to lure victims to phishing websites. Never assume that a website is the website you intended to be at based on its appearance. Before entering your e-gold passphrase, ensure you are at the real e-gold website by:
[*]Checking for an active padlock http:/https://www.e-gold.com/gif/padlock.gif in the browser status bar.[*]Checking the browser location bar for a site name beginning with (exact spelling is critical): https://www.e-gold.com/[*]Checking the SSL certificate being using for for appropriate "Issued To", "Issued By", and Thumbprint fields. At the e-gold web site, these values are:
Issued to:www.e-gold.comIssued by:VeriSignValid from:11/22/2004 to 12/1/2006Thumbprint:F84F 522C E958 A443 5A37 8934 6D77 2D70 096C 6A82
Keep your operating system and applications updated
Use Windows Update to make sure you have the latest security patches installed. Also check for updates to your application programs, especially Microsoft Office.

Use a hardware and/or software firewall
A firewall can protect your computer from malicious traffic. A hardware firewall/router (such as the many offerings of companies like Linksys, D-Link, SMC, and others) acts as a barrier between the outside world and your computer. A software firewall, such as ZoneAlarm, performs that function to a lesser degree but can also block malicious programs on your computer from sending data out to the Internet. Windows XP includes a simple firewall, but it is disabled by default. The free version of ZoneAlarm does a very nice job.

Do not run untrusted applications
Running any program that arrives via email or that was downloaded from the Internet can be dangerous. Only run applications that you wish to grant complete access to your computer and the data contained on it.

Upgrade to a better web browser
You're already using Better MoneyTM - now choose a better browser. Mozilla's Firefox is available for almost every operating system and has many security and privacy advantages. Try "tabbed browsing". Manage your cookies. Block pop-up windows. The features are many, but the cost is low - in fact free. (Note that e-gold donations are accepted by the Mozilla Foundation).

Use an Anti-Virus program
If you follow all of the the above recommendations a virus will have difficulty infecting your computer. However, since a computer virus can be a vehicle for a criminal to gain total control of your computer and thereby any information stored on, sent by, or received by your computer, it is prudent to install antivirus software from a reputable source and run it regularly. Since new viruses are discovered daily, it is important to keep antivirus software and the virus definitions it uses for detection up to date at all times.

Educate yourself
Become a smarter computer user with regard to security issues. Here are a few places to start:www.e-gold.com/unsecure/alert.htmle-gold Security Alert Pagewww.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.htmlCERT Home Network Securitywww.microsoft.com/security/home/Microsoft Security Basics for Home Userswww.isalliance.org/resourcesCommon Sense Guide for Home and Individual Userswww.nsa.gov/snac/NSA Security Recommendation Guidesgrc.com/default.htm Gibson Research. Info on Spyware, Shields-UP/port scan.www.antiphishing.org/Anti-Phishing Working Groupwww.securityfocus.com/Security Focus community homepagepcvirus2000.web.cern.ch/pcvirus2000/CERN antivirus support websitesecurity.web.cern.ch/security/passwords/Password Recommendations at CERNsecurity.web.cern.ch/security/RecommendationsCERN Computer Security Recommendations

hhhhhcw1 发表于 2006-9-29 18:44:21


段续风 发表于 2006-9-30 10:47:24

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