I recently called Amazon with a question about something else and i got chatting with the rep about images. According to her the only images you are allowed to use on your site is the one that is provided via the "link to this page" thingy.
Yeah, that pretty much sucks. The image they provide is 160 x 160. Smaller than what they provided a few years ago via that link. She said you are not allowed to copy other images for your site.
It might be worthwhile to try and connect with another agent to see what they have to say, but I haven't. I kept asking her about it but she was pretty emphatic.
论坛有没有兄弟姐妹也去问过AMAZON的客服? 我觉得你是蛋痛,原因不解释。 ;P我蛋不痛,卵痛
当我没发过此贴哈:lol 我蛋不痛,卵痛
neverknow 发表于 2012-11-26 13:17 http://cnwebmasters.com/images/common/back.gif
只提示一点哦,直接用amazon图片外链即可,它还能说个啥。 可以的吧.............. 这个真得弄清楚,自己设计个图片多难啊