Dear john:
Your web hosting account for thi**in*****.com has been deactivated, as of 12/03/2012. (reason: missing/incorrect contact info)
This deactivation was due to a Terms of Service violation associated with your account. At sign-up, all users state that they have read through, understand, and agree to our terms. These terms are legal and binding.
Although your web site has been suspended, your data may still be available for up to 10 days from the date of deactivation; if you do not contact us during that 10 day period, your account and all of its files, databases, and emails may be deleted.
If you feel this deactivation was made in error, or in order to gain access to your account, please call our verification department as soon as possible at (866) 573-4678. To reactivate the account, please be prepared to provide a copy of the credit card holder's government issued ID card (such as a passport or driver's license) and the front and back of the credit card that was charged. You can white out all but the last four card numbers on the card front. If you signed up through PayPal please be prepared to provide a copy of the PayPal holder's government issued ID card (such as a driver's license or passport), the last four characters of the hosting password, the PayPal e-mail address, and the seven digit PayPal Invoice ID number.
Thank you,
HostMonster Verification Department
For support go to http://helpdesk.hostmonster.com/
Toll-Free: (866) 573-4678
亲爱的约翰:你的Web托管帐户为thi**in****.com的已被停用,截至2012年12月3日。(原因:缺少/不正确的联系方式)失活是由于违反服务条款而与您的帐户相关联。在注册时,所有的用户表示,他们已经仔细阅读,理解,并同意我们的条款。虽然你的网站已被暂停,您的数据可能仍然可到之日起10日内失活的,如果你不与我们联系,10天的时间,您的帐户和它的所有这些条款是合法的和有约束力的。文件,数据库和电子邮件可能会被删除。如果您觉得此停用是错误的,或者是为了获得访问您的帐户,请致电我们的核查部门尽快致电(866)573-4678。要重新激活帐户,请准备提供一份信用卡持有人的政府颁发的身份证(如护照或驾驶执照)的正面和背面的信用卡收取。你可以白了所有,但最后卡上的前4个信用卡号码。如果你签署了通过贝宝,请准备提供一个副本的贝宝持有的政府发行ID卡(如驾驶执照或护照),在最后4个字符的主机密码,在贝宝电子邮件地址,并在7数字贝宝发票的ID号。谢谢你,HostMonster的检定部门http://www.hostmonster.com对于支持到http://helpdesk.hostmonster.com/免费电话:(866)573-4678 可以申请退款的,这也是普遍问题,用中国的支付方式买国外东西信息用国外的能不找麻烦吗,看上去就是个典型的信用卡欺诈案例。 尝试联想HM的在线客服,一般就可以解决。
点击HM主页中间的live chat按钮进入在线客服。
使用GG翻译就可以,HM的客服很强大。 谢谢楼上回复,还有第一个问题,如果我没申请回来的话信用卡的钱会返还吗?
出去工作了,晚上回来再弄。 按照要求把你的信用卡持有人的证件(护照或者驾驶证)以及信用卡扫描(记得遮盖点信息)发过去申请验证,这个问题就能搞定。 不知道楼主是不是emu的教程看多了
自己买东西也用us资料 谢谢大家的认真回答,我已经有头绪了 身份需要验证,资料要和信用卡一致! 正规搞的话,还是用正式身份吧
看到这话,我笑了:lol 我经历过一次用国外信息买LP的主机时,被坑了300多RMB,要证件啊,没有PS过去也没有见效,可能是直接看穿了。