Hi ***Thanks for contacting CJ.
I understand you have got $*** commission due by now, that will be paid to you in May pay out round. The reason is CJ China has launched already in April, RMB is the only currency we are going to pay for China based publishers. However as CJ system is in the final stage of integrating RMB as payment currency it will take another a few weeks to get everything ready and switch all China based publishers to the new upgraded system.
I apologise for all the inconvenience this may have brought to you, but once the automated system start working you will be able receive pay-out on time, every month after the 20th and before the end of the month..
Please bear in mind, the closing date of every month is on the 11th, in order to get your payment please make sure your information is updated before the 11th.
Shall you have any further queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards,
Tian Qiu
Advertiser Account Manager
Commission Junction, China
那是不是届时也会有中国客服呢?呵呵!:lol 这不是挺好的嘛 哈哈哈,那我CJ里的120rmb看来也能付给我了 那是不错啊.不过中国客户能申请的到的OFFER大多是SALE吧 越来越重视国内市场了吗? 不错哈。 是好事还是坏事呢 eric205013 发表于 2013-4-30 10:08 static/image/common/back.gif
不错的 好与坏针对的是不同的人群吧。不知道有多少人开心多少人难过呢 我觉得还是美元好 对我可能是好事吧~~ 应该算好事吧 一听说支持国内市场我就害怕 我还是喜欢刀。。。 那国人还能做美国市场吗 购汇!
看来准备移民啊 中国客服呢 :victory::victory:好消息啊好消息啊 RMB付款最方便了:) :lol
方便了很多 有利有弊 :lol 坏的不能再坏的坏消息 按照cj在中国这个发展趋势,未来cj的中国工作人员会更多的。 程序越来越简单了。。。。 以后调查信也换成中文的:lol 收款更方便了:lol lowrie 发表于 2013-4-30 16:47 static/image/common/back.gif
另外前几天看到有人贴出CJ邮件,说是付款先交增值税,CJ直接扣。如果交税的话,CJ付款之前,收款人是否要给CJ开发票啊? 印个历史 发表于 2013-5-1 09:28 static/image/common/back.gif
CJ说明里说,选了人民或者中国,publisher必须是合法注册实体,只能是 ...
↑注: 请注意:如果您选择收取人民币作为结算货币和/或选择您的所在地为中国, 那么您必须是一个合法注册或者经核证的中国实体,并且在这个过程中,您需要和禧介(上海)广告有限公司签订有效的联盟会员服务协议。如果我们发现您不是合法注册的中国实体,您可能被立刻终止合作,扣款或者其他由CJ公司决定采取的行动。
Dear CJ Publishers in China
I apologise for this delayed reply regarding your CJ commission payment in RMB . We are in the process of integrating RMB direct deposit payment option into CJ's interface at moment and in order to make payment to publishers in RMB, there are some information we need from you.
If you are an individual publisher(这个individual和注册说明里的必须是一个合法注册或者经核证的中国实体,是否矛盾?), CJ as a company has to withhold Chinese Individual Income Tax from your total commission earned, and pay it to the Tax authority on behalf of you. The document we need from you is a soft copy of your Chinese Identification card (ID).
If you are a corporate/company publisher, CJ need a soft copy of your Chinese Business License (营业执照) and an original tax invoice with the correct commission figures printed on it. The type of tax invoice is depending on which type of tax you pay, for example, the Special VAT Tax (增值税专用发票), the Normal VAT invoice (增值税普通发票) or Business Tax invoice (营业税发票). Please DO NOT post the tax invoice now as I will send you the correct commission amount in RMB that you can claim shortly.
At the same time, could you please help us with the follows:
1. confirming whether you are individual publisher or company publisher?
2. sending me a copy of the relevant document?
3. making sure that your bank account details in CJ system is up-to-date? Please find the following instructions for your reference:
? Bank name (in English) 银行名称(英文)
? Bank name (in Chinese) 银行名称(中文,包括分支行名称)
? Account holder’s name 银行账户持有人姓名(英文)
? Beneficiary name in Chinese 银行账户持有人姓名(中文)
? Account number 银行账户号码
? Routing number/ sort code / Swift code 银行代码
哈哈这也不错啊 印个历史 发表于 2013-5-1 09:42 static/image/common/back.gif
的确在修改支付方式的时候看到这个 因为不是很了解 所以没敢擅自改成银行支付
楼主贴出的那份email是说CJ对中国账户以后只用rmb通过银行付款 不通过check
可是那句提示好像又有点问题 我的理解是不是说 注册实体 对公司来说就是有营业执照
对个人来说 是要有身份证来验证 还有涉及到税收这个问题 真的很烦人
现在暂时还没有准确的消息 还希望大家再等等看再修改
印个历史 发表于 2013-5-1 09:42 static/image/common/back.gif
还有 请问你这份信在哪里看来的?可否提供下地址?谢谢
acy0430 发表于 2013-5-1 14:10 static/image/common/back.gif
还有 请问你这份信在哪里看来的?可否提供下地址?谢谢
改成人民币你就需要缴纳增值税或者所得税了,adwords收取增值税好多年了,adsense如果人民币付款直接扣除所得税 acy0430 发表于 2013-5-1 14:10 static/image/common/back.gif
还有 请问你这份信在哪里看来的?可否提供下地址?谢谢
www.fzxmm.com 第一篇文章就有写。
都还是等官方出最新的通知吧。 这个算是好事还是坏事啊 收税了,不爽 应该会信件通知的。到时候 印个历史 发表于 2013-5-1 09:42 static/image/common/back.gif
没有做过CJ 还是美刀好那份应该中国CJ网站上的申明 CJ的官方翻译也不眨地 应该是用软件翻译的 看的我都看不懂了 钱少了,不爽!! 区别对待我们了?? 有人欢喜有人忧 妃子笑 发表于 2013-5-1 16:51 static/image/common/back.gif
www.fzxmm.com 第一篇文章就有写。
他说了算 中文名字起得不错 应该有中国客服了 谁有成功收款?