网友提问Matt Cutts:最常见的3-5个SEO错误是什么?
本帖最后由 sure15 于 2013-6-6 13:16 编辑原视频标题:What are the top 3-5 SEO areas where webmasters make the most mistakes?原视频标题翻译: 最常见的3-5个SEO错误是什么?原视频发布时间:2013-04-29原视频发布者:Google – Matt Cutts原视频时长:4分58秒原视频地址:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=421aTJI2Nxchttp://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTUzNDA1MzUy/v.swf
Today’s question comes from Boca Raton, Florida.今天的问题是来自于佛罗里达州伯克莱屯一位网友Warren提问。
网友提问内容Warren asks, what are the top three to five SEO areas where webmasters make the most mistakes?How can we do better on those?网友Warren提问说,对于站长们来说最常见的前三到前五个SEO常见错误是什么?我们怎么才能做的更好?Matt Cutts回答内容Really good question.
And a lot of people might expect super-advanced stuff.
But I’m going to give you what the biggest mistakes are by volume.
This is just–With and I–With is recording this–we were brainstorming for a couple minutes before we made this video.Matt Cutts回答说:这是一个非常好的问题,可能很多人以为我会说一些很复杂的东西,但在录制这个视频之前我和我的同事讨论了几分钟,觉得告诉大家经常犯错误的错误原因可能对于广大站长们的帮助更大。The biggest mistake is not making your site crawlable or not having a domain at all.There’s a ton of businesses who don’t actually have a website. If you have a website or have it locked up where people can’t find it all that easily, that’s a big problem.最严重的错误不是说你没有独立域名或者网站抓取不好,其实很多大型企业都没有网站,或者有一个网站但是仅自己可见或者用户访问困难或不易发现,这才是最大的问题或者常见的错误。So just click around on your website. Make sure that you can reach the pages on your site by clicking on regular links, ideally in a text browser.But really just try to surf around and make sure you haven’t hidden the good content away somewhere where it’s really hard to find.所以你要确保在你的网站上用户通过常规的链接到达用户想去的地方,如果能在文本浏览器下面依旧可以的话,那是最好的。注意避免当用户在浏览你网站网页的时候,你网站本身不要试图去隐藏那些优秀或高质量的内容,或不要放在用户真的很难以找到的地方。注:文本浏览器推荐使用lynx,也是Google质量指南所推荐的,地址:http://lynx.itlearner.com/ (使用方法:将你想查看的地址复制到页面中进行文本浏览,也是检查网站是否符合蜘蛛“口味”的一项基本SEO检测手段,如果出现乱码需要手动选择符合你网站编码格式的选项进行网站检测)这段话对于SEO行业,我个人认为非常的好,其实还是那句话“如果没有搜索引擎,我们还会这样做吗”The next one is include the right words on the page.
So you don’t want to just say “Mount Everest elevation.” You want to say words like “how high is Mount Everest” because people are going to type “how high is Mount Everest?”另一个需要注意的是,注意你页面上的文字表达方式,例如我们不会说“珠穆朗玛峰海拔”,我们更喜欢说“珠穆朗玛峰有多高?”,并不说第一种有错,只是人们更偏向于习惯用语,除非必须用官方书面语来陈述内容。And Wiz had a really good point, not just including the right words on the page but thinking about if you’re a restaurant, include the menu. Put it in plain text, not just a PDF. Or make sure that it is extractable into plain text somehow. Put your business hours on the page.Wiz说的很对,不仅仅是页面上不要用怪异的文字来表达信息,例如你某一个网页是关于餐馆菜单的,你最好用文本形式展示,而不是不可复制的PDF格式,或者确保你的内容不会因为用户想要复制时发现不能而不知所措。(顺便把餐馆的营业时间标明)。注:最后一句话Put your business hours on the page.我个人认为是可有可无的,那么为什么Matt Cutts还要说呢,大概是因为无论你做SEO或者不做SEO,有搜索引擎或没有搜索引擎,你都需要为用户考虑。换句话说就是尽可能的满足用户需求。From going around– and I know that he’s been talking to a ton of people on, get American businesses online and even get other businesses around the world online–the biggest mistakes are not having a website, not making it crawlable–that’s sort of one–and then not using the words on the page, not describing what it is that you do, not including what the user’s going to search for.回到正题,我知道这位网友关心的是许多人已经通过SEO获得了当地或者全世界的业务,那么SEO最容易犯的错误是什么呢?最常见或最容易犯的错误并不是之前说的没有网站,或者有网站没有被抓取。大家不必着急,跟着我一点点去分析有些需要注意的地方,例如网页上没有使用正确的文字,没有恰当的描述,或者没有什么可以满足用户需求的内容。The next thing, think about not link building. That limits you to a certain mindset. Think about compelling content and marketing.
As soon as you think, my job is to build links for search engines , you’re really cutting off a lot of avenues, things like talking to newspaper reporters, for example.接下来,试想一下你的网站没有建设链接,将你的思维转移到内容营销上面。假设你的工作就是面向搜索引擎建设链接,那么你就会失去很多其他营销方面的途径,比如通过与报社编辑建立链接来营销你的产品。Whereas if you think about, OK, first make something compelling, some reason why they really want to use your website.假设你认同这样的观念,很好,首先你需要制作一些人们感兴趣的内容,为什么用户要喜欢你的网站,原因就是你的内容比其他网站或同行更能满足用户本身的需求。And then think about the broader area of marketing.That can include billboards.It can include paying for advertising and all that sort of stuff.接下来扩展你的营销手段,例如在其他网站上租用位置刊登广告或广告联盟或者类似的方式。对于传统广告来说这样的方式更经济合算。But it can also includes clever guerrilla marketing.It can include just reaching out to people in the community.同样的还有更为巧妙的精准的营销手段,例如你知道某一个用户群体的需求与你要推广的网站或产品相同,那么在这样的渠道中去进行营销活动,效果更好。So I wouldn’t put too much of a tunnel-vision focus on just links.
I would try to think instead about, OK, what can I do to market my website to make it more well known within my community or more broadly, without only thinking about search engines?所以我并不会把营销手段放在建立链接上面,我会试想用什么手段或者方法代替,那么接下来我就会去思考如果没有搜索引擎,我如何去发掘到与我网站或产品相关的用户群体或其他的营销渠道。Another good point is to think about the title and description of your really important pages.So we’ve said, make sure you have the right words on the page.另外需要注意的地方,就是认真的去思考你网站上面重要的页面的标题与描述如何撰写。之前我们说过,确保你网站使用了恰当的文字表达信息。But you really should pay attention to your home page. What is the title there?
If you bookmark it, are you going to be able to have users later on find exactly what it was?
Or is it going to say “untitled”?
Or is it going to say something that people won’t even be able to find later?首先你一定要确保你网站首页使用了恰当的标题。例如我要收藏你的网站,不要让用户在收藏你网页之后找不到收藏的页面,或者找到了,但是显示的收藏标题是“无标题”或者其他无关的信息或者收藏的是某一个内容页面但是显示的收藏标题却是通用标题。(对于很多网站来说所有页面都使用了同一个标题,看其来很傻么?其实发生在很多网站上面)Likewise, your description can sometimes determine what shows up in your snippet.And that determines whether people will be enticed into clicking.同样的,确定你的网站描述并将这段文字显示于你的网站上面。并且尽可能的让用户可能去点击这段文字上面的链接。So you can run various tests, experiment with different copy for the meta description.
And it might not be worth it for every single page on your site.
I know that that is a lot of work.你可以撰写不同的描述来测试,哪一种描述更能满足用户需求(通过描述的改变对内容链接点击的次数的改变),当然你不想对每一个页面都进行如此的重复操作,我也明白如果做的话那将是大量的工作。But for the very high-traffic sites, you want to not just create a great experience, but you want to make something that people actually click on when they see it in the search results.对于高流量的网站来说,可能你不会做出什么惊天动地的事情,但你不希望通过你的改动让更好的、满足用户需求的描述摘要信息展现于搜索结果中并且通过这段摘要描述来到你的网站。So something that lets them know you’re going to have the answer that they’re looking for, something that makes them understand this is a good resource.通过这样的改动,至少让用户知道这就是他们要的答案,或者让他们知道这个是一个非常好的搜索结果。And that would actually be my last thing, not using webmaster resources.接下来就是我要说的最后一件事情,不要浪费网络上提供的站长资源。So Google provides free Webmaster Tools at google.com/webmasters.鉴于此(去哪里找资源?),Google提供了网站站长管理员工具,网址是:google.com/webmastersWe provide a blog you could read, lots of webmaster videos, one of which you’re watching. But we go to search conferences. We talk to people online.我们也提供了Google官方博客供大家阅读参考,制作了大量的视频供大家观看。同样的我们也参加搜索会以,在互联网线上与大家交流。Being in other search engines also provide a lot of free resources. You can look at links in blekko, all sorts of stuff like that.同样的其他搜索引擎也提供了许多免费的站长资源,你可以通过Blekko来查找。注:类似谷歌管理员工具的搜索引擎免费站长工具可参考:搜索引擎官方工具站长工具There’s a ton of information out there on the web.
And there’s a ton of people who are interested in SEO, are interested in Search, and are happy to talk about your website and give you feedback.关于SEO的信息互联网随处可见,很多人对SEO很感兴趣,也搜索感兴趣,他们也很乐于讨论你的网站并且对你的问题给出自己的看法。So you could start on our Webmaster Forum. But basically explore that space because it’s almost like an iceberg. There’s a lot of resources in our HTML documentation, digging through google.com/webmasters. And that can really help improve your site.你可以通过站长论坛去查找资源,但是你找到的只是很小的一部分。通过我们的网站站长工具(网站质量指南)你可以挖掘到很有对你网站有用的资源,我们已经把这些资源分类制作成文档。注:链接1:Google网站质量指南 ; 链接2:百度质量指南So just to recap, make sure that your site is crawlable,which includes having a domain name in the first place.
Include the right words on the page.
Include the words that people are actually going to type.说这么多,我们来回顾一下重要的内容,首先确保你的网站可以被正常抓取,当然需要有一个独立域名。 在页面上的文字信息使用恰当的文字显示,所谓恰当的文字就是值符合用户口语的内容。注:第一段英文说不需要考虑抓取,不需要考虑域名,指的是非最大问题,而不能代表不是问题,如果大家站长用户角度考虑这个问题就很好理解了,如果你有网站,有域名但是用户都不可见,那么当然搜索引擎也就抓取不到,那么有网站有什么意义呢(前提是你想要把网站展示给用户)。所以第一段与本段并不冲突,不要站长搜索引擎角度考虑问题,站长用户角度考虑,问题也就迎刃而解了!Think about compelling content and marketing, not just link building.接下来需要考虑的是如何把网站内容做的更好或营销手段拓展的更多,而不仅仅是做链接。Think about a title and description of your important pages.还有就是多考虑考虑重要页面的标题和描述如何写的更能满足用户需求,让用户通过搜索结果中的标题与描述摘要显示就认为这是他们想要的结果或者觉得这是一个好的资源。And finally, be aware, or investigate, the free resources that are out there on the web because they can really help you improve your site, which is going to make you more money and make your users more happy.最后,学会利用网站上大量的免费的优质的站长资源,因为这些资源真的可以帮助你提高你网站的质量,当然也可以帮你赚到更多的钱,更重要的是让你的用户感觉到满足。