https://us-assoc-master.amazon.com/gp/associates/promo/buildlinks.html你们应该都已经知道了吧.如果你最近登录了amazon后台,问题是我获取广告的链接打不开.mobi推广的小伙伴们要惊呆了.可能过几天就可以打开了.Amazon Associates for Mobile
Starting August 27, 2013, associates can earn advertising fees by driving mobile traffic to Amazon from their mobile-optimized website. Approved Android developers can integrate the Mobile Associates API into their app through a separate sign-up process at our Mobile App Distribution Portal.
For mobile websites:
In most cases, you won’t have to do anything different to monetize your mobile-optimized websites. You will earn the same fees and use many of the same tools to refer your mobile web users to Amazon. Unless noted, our Links and Banners work on mobile-optimized websites.
For mobile apps:
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Mobile Associates API, currently supporting all Android and Amazon Appstore devices, including Kindle Fire HD. This API can launch an in-app product detail page, so you can merchandise millions of Amazon products within your app. On Kindle Fire HD and other Amazon Appstore devices, developers can provide customers with an in-app purchasing experience for physical products.
Mobile apps require a separate approval process and will earn advertising fees according to a special fee schedule. To participate, your app must be available for purchase in the Amazon Appstore. Apps that are primarily focused on shopping and shopping functionality may not be approved for participation. Visit our Mobile App Distribution Portal to create a developer account and to learn more about the Mobile Associates API.
adver 发表于 2013-8-29 17:34 static/image/common/back.gif
[*]Starting August 27, 2013, associates can earn advertising fees by driving mobile traffic to Amazon from their mobile-optimized website. Approved Android developers can integrate the Mobile Associates API into their app through a separate sign-up process at our Mobile App Distribution Portal.
有鱼不换酒 发表于 2013-8-29 17:38 static/image/common/back.gif
[*]Starting August 27, 2013, associates can earn advertising f ...
adver 发表于 2013-8-29 17:59 static/image/common/back.gif
2013.8.28 的新闻 今天是2013.8.29据我所知在手机上是不支持amazon的推广cookie,所以在移动平台的推广可以说是没有佣金.只有针对mobile的推广链接才有佣金.
本帖最后由 pootor 于 2013-8-29 19:13 编辑
有鱼不换酒 发表于 2013-8-29 18:37 static/image/common/back.gif
2013.8.28 的新闻 今天是2013.8.29据我所知在手机上是不支持amazon的推广cookie,所以在移动平台的推广 ...
从后台数据来看,我根本没用什么mobi api,还不是一样的有佣金。