乐乐 发表于 2014-1-3 16:30:55

每日IM文章阅读 2014.1.3 《内容终于为王》infographic

本帖最后由 乐乐 于 2014-1-3 16:32 编辑

这篇主要是 infographics
以前有说法 content is king and link is queen

本文加了一个 finally,说明 content 作用和地位进一步被强化了

标题:Content is Finally King

文章网址: http://mediacaffeine.com/content-finally-king/

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有木有试着改写的兄弟There has always been the thought that content was considered “king” in the world of search engine optimization, but it wasn’t always the case even when people first started saying it. Things have changed to the point that today, it really is king.

aicheng262 发表于 2014-1-3 16:53:51

There has always been the central thought that the “king” in the world of search engine optimization consider content, but when people first started saying that it wasn’t always the case even. Now the things have changed to the point which really is king.

liuye 发表于 2014-1-3 17:51:41

又见乐乐版主 乐乐出品 必须精品 谢谢分享

aicheng262 发表于 2014-1-3 18:04:16


There has always been the central thought that the webmasters around the world used to consider content the “king” in the search engine optimization world, but even when people first started saying that it wasn’t always the case. Now the things have changed to the point where content really is king.

六祸苍龙 发表于 2014-1-3 18:27:05

There has always been the thought that content was considered “king” in the world of search engine optimization, but it wasn’t always the case even when people first started saying it. Things have changed to the point that today, it really is king.
Although it's often considered that content was the 'King' in the SEO world, however, it was not the case at the beginning when people mention it. Now, things changed as contetn is true king in today world.

qiuxiangkai 发表于 2014-1-3 22:56:55

Though in the world of SEO(search engine optimization), content has always been considered as "king", it wasn't the case all the time even when people started talking about it at first. Today, it literally becomes the truth that it is king.


xz21st 发表于 2014-1-10 14:45:07

本文加了一个 finally,说明 content 作用和地位进一步被强化了

标题:Content is Finally King

晴空万里 发表于 2014-3-14 13:35:02

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