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Oracle has received notice of or detected unusual and potentially harmful activity originating from your tenancy.Traffic Details: Outbound Port Scanning, Brute-forcing, Web Exploitation, and/or DDoSUnder your agreement with Oracle, you are responsible for the maintenance and security of this resource. We have determined that there is a significant threat to the functionality, security, integrity, or availability of our services, including violations of the Oracle Cloud Acceptable Use Policy, and your resource(s) has been disabled.
解决了,应该是oci刷机器的问题 开了几天被终止的,只要号还在,都还能再开出来的。https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/master-of-forums/master-of-forums/public/images/patch.gif 快一年了把。只是不太理解为什么跑xray也能被关机 甲骨文就是玄学。。https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/master-of-forums/master-of-forums/public/images/patch.gif 他想终止就给你终止了,不是因为跑xray才给你停的 我唯一一次被终止是因为下bt 我还想联系客服给我重开:(这么一说就算了吧 我好像也有跑PT流量,但是这个封禁提示也不对啊
应该也不是PT的问题,路由代理软件已经做好分流了 联系客服 瞧把你能的.. 用oci刷机器别用甲骨文的小鸡:L