出机器 R620 2697V2*2 512G 斯巴达
出机器R620 2697V2*2 512G 无盘 2000元 位于德阳机房
R620 2697V2*2 512G 三星870EVO1T*64000元 斯巴达 美国机房 好鸡绑定,祝早出 路过帮顶 是一年4000么:lol:lol:lol 你idc不打算做了么?这么快就要跑路了? 出设备 就是把设备卖给你 托管费多少 70美金 德阳机房的托管费和带宽多少? 挺心动的,但是以前联系过斯巴达,好像自带IP,不能使用西雅图cuvip 4387线路。
We aren't able to announce them on the same line as our regular IP's. The normal protection we use is through CNServers and they aren't willing to allow us to announce anymore IP addresses. We don't have an eta on when they will allow us to announce more IP addresses. We have been asking them for years and we haven't been able to get them to allow us to announce more subnets to them.