就用了AZ的HK IP,三个号全军覆没,本来还好好的,我艹了,全都被风控,就剩下一个国区了 一人四号,不封你封谁。You can have more than one PayPal account if it'll be one Personal account and one Business account but each account must have a separate email address and financial information. You can also upgrade your Personal account to a Premiere or Business account. 美区还健在 我一个美区一个港区,平时也是用azhk的ip,刚刚上去看了,只收到一个协议更新的邮件,号还没问题目前 我已经被干完了,没美国号码用了 我的pp也是乱登,但是我用了手机验证码登陆,目前正常 作假被发现了。。。 前一秒转账还正常,后一秒就转不了帐 国区、港区、美区都健在,港区还在送40港币