没有买俄罗斯小鸡,只是用来付款ovh和hzYou can no longer use PayPal
After a review, we decided to permanently limit your account as we found potential risk associated with it.
As a result, we can no longer offer PayPal services to you.
Any bank or credit card information that’s linked to your PayPal account cannot be removed nor can it be added to another account. You can still log in and see your account information but you can’t send or receive payments.
If you have funds in your PayPal balance, it will be held for up to 180 days. After that, we’ll email you with information on how to access your funds. 我靠,PP最近在搞什么 PP很变态的,建议别用了:lol 跟这个没关系,我的前几天莫名被封,然后自然莫名解封。
没有鹅相关交易,只有几笔绿帽子云 paypal要没了有什么替代 如果是国区的,直接打电话投诉呗 没用,叫重新注册,我的就是。 也没告诉你为什么被封? 瑟瑟发抖 以后怎么买鸡?