之前保存了mjj发的好像是5,3摸你试卷资料,学到这篇短文的时候觉得英语语法有点不理解(After out third run Andrew shut down the engine, and we went our separate ways-he for a lunch break, I to explore the city.),句子大意大概能理解,还有想问下mjj有没有提高英语听力好方法菜就多练,当然这是句开玩笑话。但语言的掌握就是一个积累的过程,多听多看多读,慢慢就会好起来。 User
After out third run Andrew shut down the engine, and we went our separate ways-he for a lunch break, I to explore the city. 这句话是不是语法有些别扭?
"After our third run, Andrew shut down the engine, and we went our separate ways: he for a lunch break, and I to explore the city."
"After our third run, Andrew shut down the engine, and we went our separate ways. He went for a lunch break, and I went to explore the city."
这两种写法都更加流畅且符合语法规范。 也练了一段时间,还是很菜 第二种写法好理解一些,go后面的名词不是要加介词to吗 通常情况下,动词"go"后面需要加上介词"to"来引导后面的动词短语,表示动作的方向或目的地。比如:
I went to the store.
She went to visit her friend.
They went to the beach for a vacation.
He went swimming.
They went shopping.
I went home.
所以,根据上下文和表达的语境,你可以选择是否使用"to"来衔接"go"后面的动词短语。 理解了一点,谢谢老哥