Hello,FDC will be increasing prices on the 99 cent to$4.99 service plans by $2.00 a
monthstartingin May, 2022. Thedemand for IP address has caused a shortage
and increased prices substantially. We realize that this is a substantialprice
increase but with IP’s now commanding $2.00 a month rental fee we can no
longer continue subsidizing these service plans.
Thank you,
我的几十台0.99$怎么玩? FDC是啥?https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/master-of-forums/master-of-forums/public/images/patch.gif fdcservers 有点像onevps,不限流量,网络差https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/master-of-forums/master-of-forums/public/images/patch.gif 没用过这家,绑定 价钱倍翻,续费机配置不变;P 提价还不如找其它 是的呢,太尴尬了 这家居然有中文官网 :lol 人家也是很大的运营商,主打大带宽 他家这1刀的我早下车了,换了nextarray的1刀。