利益相关:12.17预购用户。想喷我也无所谓,我本来就打算吃灰 不差这点小钱刚刚看let上的舔狗居然用中文骂中国用户,实在绷不住了,先不谈这关lowendboy屁事,其实问题不在于大家骂人,而是vir的态度问题
大不了再拖几天,等稳定了再集中开机,每人补一个月时长,vir不会损失很多,哪怕不补也无所谓 只要把话说清楚
这么简单的逻辑,又是地域黑,又是上升到国家层面,几天了吵吵不停,就为一个破鸡,疯了吧 我特么就好奇了天天都是开没开机的破贴。还有最爱张口闭口 ToS 的 MJJ 实际上有几个读过或者读得懂 ;P让ToS拼写都不知道会不会拼得出来。
闲地发慌大致扫了下 virmach 的 terms 还有LET贴内老板发言给 work order 发 very card 小学生们划下重点
"Handling/shipped" may be 2 days to 2 weeks,
currently scheduled for pickup 3/14/2022.
以下来源 Terms & Conditions
C) Fraud Protection: VirMach uses automated fraud protection on all orders, so please enter all billing information correctly. Do not use proxies when ordering, and do not try to mask your identity in any way.
All payments may require additional documentation for security purposes, such as photo identification or signature.
G) Administration Fee: Customer agrees to pay a twenty-five dollar ($25.00) Administration Fee, which will be charged to Customer’s account in the event of the following situations, also reflected in our Fee Schedule:
i. Any returned payment and/or collections efforts;
ii. Any withdrawal of Customer credits (if offered);
iii. Any disputes/holds/chargebacks on payment;
iv. Any suspension or termination due to prohibited account behavior;
v. Any suspension that necessitates manual processing outside our automated system;
vi. Any custom billing administration outside of current VirMach policies;
vii. Any blacklisting caused per IP address;
J) Refund Policy:
Certain Services and fees are non-refundable. These include any domain name purchases, special/custom purchases, limited support packages, dedicated servers, domain registrations, administrative fees, software licensing fees, and any product specifically labeled as non-refundable;
以下引自 AUP
A) Prohibited Content:
i. infringes on any third party’s intellectual property or publicity/privacy rights;
iv. is defamatory, violent, clearly harmful, or obscene or infringes on citizens’ rights; (想存18+的悠着点)
vii. attempts to harm VirMach’s servers or other servers in any way (Attacks, CPU intensive programs for no reason, etc); (这不,还有人ddos还没弄清就想打套了cloudflare的主页呢;P )
B) Circumvention Prohibited: Customer agrees not to circumvent, abuse, or attempt to circumvent or abuse VirMach security measures and/or billing system. This includes, but is not limited to: creating multiple billing accounts for the same Customer or from the same household, using multiple accounts to deposit funds exceeding amount of funds permitted, creating a billing account for someone other than Customer, or abusing bugs in VirMach’s system. Any abuse will result in account closure and immediate Service termination, without refund. VirMach does not honor any pricing mistakes on their website and reserves the right to cancel such orders.
D) High Usage Policy: (全篇,不复制了)
VirMach reserves the right to deprioritize,. power down, or suspend Customer’s Service(s) at any time in order to avoid congestion and/or disrupting the performance of other customers, which may directly affect the performance of Customer’s Service.
D) Digital Millennium Copyright Act: Customer agrees not to use VirMach Services or equipment in violation of the copyrights, trademarks, patents, or trade secrets of third parties, nor shall Customer utilize VirMach Services or equipment to publish such materials in a manner that would expose them to public view in violation of the law.
Premium Support
$25.00 per two (2) hours per month with
add-on.Otherwise, $15.00 per fifteen (15) minutes.
还要按照这个执行吗?有几个敢说不回被扣25刀,不被删机不退款的 :lol
想要给你特殊关照下 word order?交了每两个小时的25刀吗?
了解 virmach 超售情况,反正是没上车。你们继续撒泼耍赖自便,加速到以后哪家都不卖MJJ最好:lol
(自己张口闭口ToS,要人家遵守契约精神尊重你。自己看到正文就质疑动机乱贴标签说舔这个那个。看来是急了急了:lol )
当然要有建设性的反对讨论也是欢迎的。 有的人就是贱种,垃圾vir买之前承诺2周开机,现在一个月了开全了嘛吗? 提前招小白鼠完搞单独节点 搞限制 这些小动作恶心人,就这还有一堆脑瘫搁那硬舔。 vir冰清玉洁,骂他比杀了他们父母还让他们难受呢 说个题外话,想想去年黑五斯巴达discord群的盛况,先是上半场狂喷斯巴达老板,几个小时后笔锋一转,下半场mjj开始自己人国粹对骂,场面一度失控,第二天全场结束后开始各种刷屏溢价出鸡真香;P 都是奔着便宜去的,发现占不到便宜都恼羞成怒了。哪有那么多传家宝给你,商家又不是搞慈善的。 你真的太有空了,长篇大论来说这个
请看我签名https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/master-of-forums/master-of-forums/public/images/patch.gif 以为能传家嘛,心理落差太大,所以也总得让人发泄一下https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/master-of-forums/master-of-forums/public/images/patch.gif 层主,我看不懂英文,能帮我翻译下吗
Biennial pre-orders in Tokyo will also receive a guaranteed spot on Gen4/Ryzen 5000 Series processor server and will be activated in the first pre-order batch for that location. 我是非常信奉 “我没有敌人” 理念的。
闲得慌只是发笑,最不遵守ToS的人群什么时候成了最爱把ToS,契约精神...挂嘴上了。 总有人不看以前说的,在那复制粘贴,刚开始一堆要先测试的,后来vir烦了,说搞了mjj节点,再后来机子就出问题,然而有人提出问题,也会有人在那护着vir,真的是什么妖魔鬼怪都有 静静的看耍猴 :lol 都是闲的 有些人就是锱铢必较:) 在家出不来门,闲 有这时间 赚的钱都购买一串小鸡崽了https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/master-of-forums/master-of-forums/public/images/patch.gif