工单改邮箱,然后回了这个,现在应该咋办,账单估计难找To ensure we are dealing with the correct account owner, please provide the latest transactions id from your PayPal to validate, if all checks out we will proceed with the email update as requested.If you paid with Alipay, please provide the latest transactions id and partner transaction id from your Alipay to validate, if all checks out we will proceed with the email update as requested. 可以改邮箱了?翻邮件呗 有道理,但是这个partner transication id是啥,我只找到了invoice里的transication id 关注一下 ycdxsb 发表于 2022-4-30 09:43
有道理,但是这个partner transication id是啥,我只找到了invoice里的transication id ...