You have received this email because one or more of the advertisers you are affiliated with in the Commission Junction network has recently been temporarily deactivated.The advertisers you are affiliated with that have been temporarily deactivated from the network are listed in the Deactivated Advertisers Report for your convenience. You are encouraged to check this Web page on a regular basis for the most up-to-date information. This list is available from the "Run Reports" section of the account manager.
While an advertiser is in temporary deactivation status, publishers will not receive commissions from their banners, text links, and/or other links types. Please replace these links as soon as possible with links from active advertisers. A report of invalid links that are generating traffic but cannot earn revenue is available in the Invalid Links Report. This report is also available under the "Run Reports" tab, "Custom Reports". You will retain this affiliation if and when the advertiser reactivates their affiliate marketing program with Commission Junction. At that time, their program name will appear in the "My Advertisers" list in the Account Manager, and will also be removed from the temporarily deactivated list.
As your trusted third party provider, we will notify you of changes to our advertisers programs, and will do everything possible to protect your interests as a publisher.
Best regards,
Client Services
Commission Junction 我仔细看了一下,原来是虚惊一场..原来是告诉我的我的广告里面有一个到期了,不能再做了,是封提示的邮件. 我也是有广告到期了呀 我也收到了这样的邮件, 最近过期的不少,看来会有比较大的整顿吧。 我也收到这样的信,但是登陆后要你输入Enter superuser password