After performing an extensive review of your performance in the Commission Junction network as a Publisher, Commission Junction is exercising its right to terminate the CJ Publisher Service Agreement with 15 days notice.15 days from the date of this notice, your account with Commission Junction will no longer be active. Please remove all links/ banners by that date since you will no longer be authorized to post such links/banners and will not be receiving any compensation for referrals through such links/banners.
Additionally, during this interim 15-day period, if violations of the Commission Junction Publisher Service Agreement are identified, your account may be terminated, in Commission Junction’s sole discretion, prior to the end of the notice period. Any Commission Junction network and all unpaid earnings will be reversed from your account ("charged-back") and returned to the relevant advertiser(s).
以上是信的主要内容部分,估计我的号是九死一生了,大家帮忙来看看是不是还有一丝希望呢? :funk: :funk: 我也收到这样的信 就是K号了。没什么商量了 一样一样:mad: :mad: 都是这几天收到的吗?这信就是K号 没戏了,早1个月前就收到这样的信了,基本上没希望了!你现在祈祷CJ不要给冻结你的钱,按时支付给你!但是如果你是HK搞的话。嘿嘿~:lol:
收款希望更渺茫~ 我没收到,做得太少了,CJ不值得K 原帖由 moneybook 于 2007-6-21 06:57 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
你做了多少?我上个月做了370多刀,都是lead,没用卡.这算多吗:( 早说过又一场大屠杀开始了。 原帖由 ciciyu 于 2007-6-21 09:28 发表 http://cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
中国地址做了这么多? 原帖由 200abc 于 2007-6-20 21:43 发表 http://cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
Any Commission Junction network and all unpaid earnings will be reversed from your account ("charged-back") and returned to the relevant advertiser(s)
信里都说清楚了,你还祈祷呢。。。 :funk: :funk: 丑人在呢~~? 啥时候结束啊 我也收到了。。。没有希望了 谁要你们EMU了
EMU被K很正常嘛 没戏了. 我怎么收不到呢,我可害怕那一天的到来 正规做就不那么心虚了:) 原帖由 ciciyu 于 2007-6-21 09:28 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
光做LEAD,不做销售是不能超过200刀的!!!! 尽情K吧:D,EMu的去了,我们也好生存了…-:( all unpaid earnings will be reversed from your account
写明了清空你的收入数据了。. :) :) :funk: :funk: