Hello,Thank you for writing in.At this time do you know of any specific users that have received double payments?If you could provide us with further information, we would be able to investigate this issue further and help resolve any missing check problems.
Thank you for understanding.
Best Regards,
该怎么回? 他是不是认为我们收到双重支付? :lol: :lol: 赶紧回信,说不是收到双重支付,而是你们公司乱发支票,把N张支票都寄到同一个地址去了. 赶紧回信,说不是收到双重支付,而是你们公司乱发支票,把N张支票都寄到同一个地址去了. 网络有问题,麻烦删掉一个. 谁让你乱写一通去邀功的 :lol: 哈哈。写信解释一下。 谁给写封信, 这么大的事情adb好象都不知道似的 属于卖味卖CI了 :lol: 越说就越说不清楚了..哈哈..