今天收到CJ的信~Commission Junction is currently investigating your account and has the
following inquiries regarding your promotional methods:
Please describe how you drive your traffic. It is quite repetitive.
Please respond by replying to this specific e-mail within five days of
delivery date.If you are reading this notice through your CJ Account
Manager (Mail tab) and do not have access to the e-mail notice, please
respond using Ask a Question, available through the “Contact Us” lik
available in account manager, and include this original message.
Failure to respond may result in Commission Junction exercising its right to
terminate the Commission Junction Publisher Service Agreement upon 15
days of this written notice.
我该怎么办啊?是不是K号的先兆啊!帮帮新人吧!辛苦一个多月不易啊!!!! 你EMU了吗:o 自己玩的~我该怎么回信啊?! 没戏了
谁都辛苦过 根据你的站说明一下,不要太离谱了,也不要再为自己找麻烦就是,问题不大