On Sat, 11 Aug 2007, you wrote:
> can not open my site,domain name :*****,IP:*****
> what's wrong ? please help me. thanks
Sorry for the inconvenience. I browsed the domain and it appears to be
working without any problems. If you're unable to browse the domain, I
would recommend that you try to place a traceroute on the domain, and
this way you can find out if the problem is in the connection from your
local computer to the server. You can find out how to place the
traceroute by reading the wiki (http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Traceroute) and
I would need you to paste me the results here.
Also, you may want to read this article, in case you reside in China, as
it's known that the Chinese government has a nationwide firewall :
Let me know if you have any questions or problems, and I'd be happy to
Jose - -
:funk: 看不明白` 原帖由 布丁 于 2007-8-12 14:22 发表 http://cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
- -
你以为我看不懂英文? Also, you may want to read this article, in case you reside in China, as
it's known that the Chinese government has a nationwide firewall :
China_Firewall可真是威名远播啊 Also, you may want to read this article, in case you reside in China, as
it's known that the Chinese government has a nationwide firewall :
:lol: 老外都知道. 呵呵!刚败了一个!
第一年真TM的便宜!第二年就贵了! China_Firewall
传说中的CFW,谁统计过它屏蔽了多少网站?:( :mad: :mad:昨天发现自己的lunarpages的站访问不了了在电信骨干网和谐了
:mad: :mad: 原帖由 sun 于 2007-8-12 15:14 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
:lol: :lol: :lol: China_Firewall:lol: :lol: 牛牛