自己注册CJ里的yahoo 广告帐号来用。结果我信用卡里的钱已经被yahoo扣了5美金,CJ里的佣金没加,yahoo送的50欧元也没见着。晕倒了。难道选择美元没有优惠? 应该不会吧,看看YAHOO的说明!你注册大概多长时间? 符合他们反佣金的条款么?仔细看看,我买的一个空间也是这样,买完没返全额佣金。 好好看看里面的条款,英镑的要存 £60 国外论坛这家公司讨论是这样的,有个B找到了改CJ的代码的方法,可以加优惠券,但是加钱不准,我感觉也是这样的,我一般做流量统计用的。 要60英镑才加的 原帖由 reffo 于 2007-8-15 23:59 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif不过另外一个意思是说
敏锐性相当强啊:lol: 原帖由 emoneys 于 2007-8-15 23:40 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
好好看看里面的条款,英镑的要存 £60
哦。那就没话说了。全当练手吧。 原帖由 静水流深 于 2007-8-15 23:50 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
咳。我以为,老大从来没有更换这个广告,应该是效果不错。:funk: :funk: 原帖由 moneybook 于 2007-8-15 21:55 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
Welcome to Yahoo! Search Marketing's UK Affiliate Programme You can earn money from your website by linking your customers to Yahoo! Search Marketing – the paid search market leader.
What do we do? We drive targeted leads straight to company’s websites.
We guarantee prominent positions on the results pages of the most widely used Internet search engines, so products and services can appear in front of customers expressly searching for what companies sell.
Yahoo! Search Marketing reaches more than 83% of internet users in Europe (Nielsen//NetRatings – July to September 06) *, many of whom are potential customers searching for company’s products and services online. Our extensive reach is made possible through our unrivalled distribution network of search engines and portals such as Yahoo!, Orange and Lycos.
How does the programme work? When you link your website to us, you earn a commission whenever your users sign up to our Search service, through your website. We can track Self-Serve and Fast-Track transactions from your site, and pay you a fixed fee for every sign up.
How much will I earn?
We will award you £80.00 ($145 USD) for your first sign up and £50.00 ($91 USD) for each sign up thereafter.
Why us?
Maximise your earning potential by working with us on the UK's top Web sites such as Yahoo!, AltaVista, Orange and more
Benefit from a 60 day cookie - if your users book directly on Yahoo! Search Marketing, we will pay you commission during the cookie period
No fees, no risk - joining our programme is free
Please note: Yahoo! Search Marketing operates a closed keyword policy on all its brand names and trademarks. You can view ‘Terms and Conditions’ in the 'Content Link' section in the 'Get Links' box on the top right of this page, and then by clicking on ‘Terms and Conditions’
条款那么长,都懒的去看,一般就看一下介绍。怎么做加钱,就过了。呵呵 哈哈,笑死我了,我知道有些聪明人想学我,我论坛放的代码都是测试好玩的,故意放些加钱不准或者不加钱的当计数器用,怕有些人疯狂的帮我加钱。:lol: 静水流深可没傻到那地步,会在论坛里放自己做的广告 论坛上放的广告我都不会去做的 原帖由 静水流深 于 2007-8-16 12:43 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
:funk: :funk: 不过也无所谓了。是因为自己想要做一些ADW,所以想既拿佣金,又有优惠,岂不美哉。不是特意要做这个的。结果是既没佣金,也没优惠。呵呵。还被人笑。:mad: :mad: :mad: 原帖由 zhuanqianhao 于 2007-8-16 16:28 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
:funk: :funk: 不过也无所谓了。是因为自己想要做一些ADW,所以想既拿佣金,又有优惠,岂不美哉。不是特意要做这个的。结果是既没佣金,也没优惠。呵呵。还被人笑。:mad: :mad: :mad: