You have chosen to escalate your dispute to a PayPal claim. By endingcommunication with the seller, you are asking PayPal to investigate the
case and decide the outcome. As part of our investigation, PayPal reviewed
any communication you may have had in the Resolution Center.
Our investigation into your claim is complete. As stated in our User
Agreement, the claims process only applies to the shipment of goods. It
does not apply to complaints about the attributes or quality of goods
received. Therefore, we are unable to reverse this transaction or issue a
这是怎么搞的? 你升级了投诉,由PP负责调查和处理,因为是虚拟品,PP不处理,PP只处理需要运输的实物,其实是规避责任,有些HOST商的条款里写清楚不退款的,PP不跟商家搞不清楚的,一般只对普通号这样态度
[ 本帖最后由 狐狸宝宝 于 2007-8-23 20:03 编辑 ] 我的是高级账号~~ 嗯,象Dreamhost里,也是明文规定Paypal的款是不退的。 你选的时候没选对吧,应该选你没收到东西,你估计选了其他的,PP的意思是不处理东西好坏问题 我想也有可能,所以重新提交了,改了“没收到货物” 信用卡直接拒付就可以了. 原帖由 jbp258 于 2007-8-24 08:51 发表 http://cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
承认吧:lol: 如果是签了PP付款同意的那种,也基本没什么希望要回来