送分悬赏 我自己的DOMAIN 买的 HostMonster
2个问题需要有经验的说下:我要提前解析毒命 如何设置DNS?
我如果要购买独立IP 又要如何购买? 1.直接设置 NS1.hostmonster.comNS2.hostmonster.com
2.直接联系其客服。他会提供给你PP 你发了后开一ticket.即可解决 老大,偶会
第一个问题,毒命要先把DNS解析到:NS1.HOSTMONSTER.COM和NS2.HOSTMONSTER.COM,才可以在hostmonster里add domain,否则提示无法创建。
第二个问题:DD老大可以在:http://helpdesk.hostmonster.com/kb/index.php?x=&mod_id=4&q=25open a ticket:写一下自己注册hostmonster的emaili做为联系。
object:[ #73315]: Could you help to change an IP address for me?
The cost for a dedicated IP is $30 per year ($2.50/mo prorated to the end of your agreement).If you would like to purchase the dedicated IP, please reply with either the password or the last 4 digits of your credit card number.
Matt Monsen
Support Level III
Most questions can be answered by articles in our forum, knowledgebase, and video tutorials:
Forum: http://www.hostmonsterforum.com
Knowledgebase: http://helpdesk.hostmonster.com/kb/
Tutorials: http://www.hostmonster.com/tutorials/
Server Status: http://serverstatus.hostmonster.com/
When you have a new question or issue, please open a new support ticket.
Hi support-cpanel,
Could i purchase the dedicated IP with paypal,if so how and where to buy it?
Best Regards!
Unfortunately we do not have a direct paypal module in place to process payments for Dedicated IP addresses.If you wish to pay for a dedicated IP address via paypal, you will need to send the payment directly to paypal@hostmonster.com.
The price for a dedicated IP is $30 a year, prorated to the end of your current term is currently $50.23USD.
When submitting your paypal payment, be sure to note your account, your account password, and reference this ticket #73315 within the payment message.This payment will not be fully accepted/processed until at least 5/29/2007 however, as it is currently a holiday, and our billing department that handles these payments is currently not in the office.
I feel that I should warn you however that this may only be a temporary reprieve.If the Chinese government decides to block this IP as well we will not be able to 'switch' it again in order to dodge the block.
Kyle Siemer
Support Level 1
Hi Kyle Siemer
Thanks for your kindly reply.I decide to purchase a dedicated IP address via paypal.However,could i know what is the IP address i can be distributed ? Because when i know the IP address first i can ping the IP address from Chinese IP address, ifi can ping the dedicated IP address smoothly.I think the IP address will not be blocked by our government,for ourgovernment is blocking the IP address which put the adult content web on the host.
Thanks for your kindly help in advance!
Best Regards!
她又回:The IP address will be assigned at the time the payment is received.I am not sure exactly what IP address would be assigned, but it will be an IP that has not been used previously.When submitting your paypal payment ask that they notify you of the IP prior to the assignment.
As for the IP being blocked because of Adult content.We as a host do not allow hosting of adult content, but the Chinese government is still blocking many of our IP ranges.
Hi Support-cpanel,
Thanks for your great help! I have paid the 50.23 USD to purchase a dedicated IP address. I am waiting for your billing department to handle this payments as soon as possible :).
Best Regards!
Thank you for your patience, what is the transaction ID for the payment submitted?
Nathan G.
Most questions can be answered by articles in our forum, knowledgebase, and video tutorials:
Forum: http://www.hostmonsterforum.com
Knowledgebase: http://helpdesk.hostmonster.com/kb/
Tutorials: http://www.hostmonster.com/tutorials/
Server Status: http://serverstatus.hostmonster.com/
When you have a new questions or issue, please open a new support ticket.
Your account has been updated to the new dedicated IP successfully.
[ 本帖最后由 liao28 于 2007-8-31 14:27 编辑 ] 改dns
ns2.HostMonster.com 先把毒命 的dns 改成 ns1.HostMonster.comns2.HostMonster.com
生效后 就可以到CP邦毒命这个空间的CP 有中文可以选
首先联系live chat的sales,告诉他你要买独立IP还有你的毒命,他会告诉你应该付多少钱已经他们的paypal帐号。
这个是paypal付款的购买方式,如果是信用卡付款,直接在live chat联系就可以了。
[ 本帖最后由 我要自由 于 2007-8-31 14:20 编辑 ] 原帖由 nod32 于 2007-8-31 14:16 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
另外一个问题快回答 不然不好全把分给你 把DNS转过去后,想购买独立IP可以在他首页的LIVE CHAT聊天让他算一下多少钱,用PP支付就OK,我就是那样弄的 IP好像是30刀
首先联系live chat的sales,告诉他你要买独立IP还有你的毒命,他会告诉你应该付多少钱已经他们的paypal帐号。
这个是paypal付款的购买方式,如果是信用卡付款,直接在live chat联系就可以了。 快说 怎么说独立IP这个词 我不会 Dedicated IP i want to buy an other dedicated IP instead of the old one. 老大,我写得好详细啊,才比其他人给先回答了。:mad: 偶的BB没了。 都是牛人 设IP的话会快点:D email里要强调,new Dedicated IP,不然可能分配给你的是用过的IP:lol: 更多内容可以看看我刚才转贴的:
Hostmonster 最新图解购买教程
HostMonster 主机后台Cpanel管理系统图解教程及中文界面设置方法【见2楼】
http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/viewthread.php?tid=58015&extra=page%3D1 原帖由 静水流深 于 2007-8-31 14:17 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
另外一个问题快回答 不然不好全把分给你
:mad: 来晚了。