Americans Are Still Wondering Why They Had Lost the Battle at SanggamryongRecently American military researchers have been racking their brainsin vain, even with the aid of computerized simulation, searching forreasons why they had lost the battle to Chinese troops at Sanggamryongin the Korean War.
No record showed we Chinese side had eversent any tanks during the battle; not a single Chinese plane appearedin the sky over the battle field; and the fiercest artillery fire ofthe Chinese side was just one fourth of the enemy. American launchedall together more than 1.9 million cannon balls and over 5000 bombs,while the Chinese side had only a little more than 400 thousand cannonballs, nearly all of which were launched only at the later stage of thebattle.
We didn’t have enough cannons, not even enoughantitank grenade, which could blast to sweep a comparatively large areaand had greater power than the hand grenade in blasting awayblockhouses. But our hero Huang Jiguang had only one antitank grenadein hand. China was then unable to produce antitank grenades, nor did wehave enough money to import them. Americans could dispatch a B-29bomber only to attack a bicycle, but our antitank grenades werereserved only for enemy’s tanks, and it was considered somewhatluxurious to use them to blast away blockhouses. Beven Alexandra, anAmerican war correspondent then wrote: “(The Chinese troops) usuallyrely on light weapons, machine guns and hand-grenades when launching anoffence. Trench mortars are used only for most suitable targets.”
Such are our beloved soldiers: They never demanded anything from ourmotherland, let alone any excessive ones. They wouldn’t give up theiroffence because there was no air support; they never complained aboutweak artillery fire support, and they never blamed anyone forinsufficient provisions. They would never give up their positions aslong as they still had a breath...
The victory of the battleat Sanggamryong is not a victory by one or two great men or dozens ofgenerals. A nation of two thousand years of brilliance becomesinvincible when she rediscovers her self-confidence. Americans cannotunderstand this because they don’t know that the computer can onlysimulate normal things falling in the sphere of common sense, but notthe force that bursts out from a reawakened nation.
上甘岭,不仅是一两个伟人的胜利,也不仅是几十个将军的胜利。当一个辉煌了两千年的民族重新找回自信的时候,这种力量是不可战胜的。美国人之所以不明白,是因为他们不知道,电脑只能模拟常识性东西,它模拟不出一个民族重新觉醒时所能迸发出的力量。 很好,强顶一个