也是RocketTheme的商业主题Dimensions Light
主题名称: Light
商业版权: RocketTheme商业主题
适用程序: Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5 & Mambo 4.5.3
A variation of the popular RocketTheme Dimensions template, theDimensions Light mod gives you the stylish design and features ofDimensions with a light coloured look and feel. Use this mod for yourDimenions based projects, or use it as a starting point for your owntemplate mod to create anything you want.
This mod features the same easy background image and accent color changing abilities as the regular Dimensions template.
Dimensions Light Mod
A few key features of this template are as follows:
* Joomla 1.0+ compatible
* Easy color and background modification
* Dynamic time based style changes
* Incredible new tabbed module system
* 15 module positions
* All module positions are fully collapsible
* XHTML 1.0 Transitional
* Mozilla/Firefox 1.0+/IE 6/IE 7/Safari/Camino/Opera Friendly
Current Version: 1.0.2
http://pdkm03.mofile.com/p/1/2007/11/12/4T/4TXTMTX3KP_202.jpg http://pdkm03.mofile.com/p/1/2007/11/12/85/85OFOAWK6V_202.jpg http://pdkm03.mofile.com/p/1/2007/11/12/6N/6NVJLURUVK_202.jpg
http://pdkm03.mofile.com/p/1/2007/11/12/XW/XWZP5ECZ4M_202.jpg http://pdkm03.mofile.com/p/1/2007/11/12/PM/PMJ1TV7FND_202.jpg
下载地址 :lol: 旅游站吧 一般。