My New Year Prayers for You 2008年新年祈禱
2008年新年剛剛到來,展現在我們面前的是另一個充滿潛力,希望和機遇的365天-機會就掌握在我們手裏-就是現在-讓我們以積極主動的方式開始新的一年,讓我們為我們的新年目標而努力,腳踏實地,為實現這些夢想而奮鬥。Hello, welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. Theyear 2008 is just around here, with another 365 days full of potential,hope and possibility lying before us-- We have the opportunity in ourhands--right now--to begin this year in very positive and productiveways, if only we're willing to make the effort to determine what we'dlike to accomplish this year, and to take the steps, actually to dowhat we need to do in order to reach those accomplishments.
It's hard to pray for a lot of people at the same time, but I want my prayers to reach each individual audience of my program.
I pray that you have peace of mind during the year to come. My hope isthat the setbacks in life don't take away that peace, and that you notspend many hours worrying about what may happen in the future; may yoube able to enjoy each moment of your precious life during this comingyear.
I pray that you're able to share love--both receiving it from those wholove you and giving it to those whom you love. And may that love betruly unconditional on both sides, for the only true love isunconditional love.
I pray that you're able to deal with setbacks well. May you not loseyour peace of mind and heart because of things that happen to you; mayyou deal with all setbacks with patience and equanimity, and may yousee the learning and potential that's present in all things that weoften see as negative.
I pray that you'll be able to be fully aware of the beauty and valuethat you add to humanity simply by being who you are. May you acceptthe fact that you are a beautiful, valuable person whose presence makesthis world a better place, in ways that are unique to you.
You’re listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith, andmy strongest prayer of all is a prayer of thanksgiving--thank you forbeing a part of this world and making it richer. May you take good careof yourself and of those you love, as you all deserve.