cj来信说我广告放在动机站,好像要我更新什么内容,必须在48小时内,高手帮下忙.Commission Junction notice to disclose account as incentive/special program
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3:47 am (7 hours ago)
Review of your Publisher account and its traffic indicates your use of promotional method(s) that Commission Junction deems special, requiring a special indication and description in your Publisher Account as detailed in the Publisher Service Agreement you agreed to follow.
As you should be aware, an accurate incentive/special program description is required to operate in the Commission Junction Marketplace. Therefore, you must immediately update your account by going to the Account tab, Web site Settings and Incentive/Special Program to avoid termination. Further, and more specifically, you must do the following: After updating your Account, you must verify that your Account has been properly flagged as an Incentive/Special Program by clicking on the edit box and marking the “yes” field; then provide an incentive/special program description in the space provided; include as much detail as possible regarding your program; if software is involved, include information regarding distribution, branding, un-installation, and end user signup to services provided by this software; and if you are using third party services and/or publishing links on third party sites (sites that you do not own or operate), provide a list of service providers and sites associated with such providers.
If your account is already flagged as an Incentive/Special and an updated description is required, please immediately reply to this e-mail and include as much detail as possible regarding your program. If software is involved, include information regarding distribution, branding, un-installation, and end user signup to services provided by this software. If you are using third party services and/or publishing links on third party sites (sites that you do not own or operate), provide a list of service providers and sites associated with such providers. Once this information is received Network Quality will update your account.
After the above-requested information is updated, all of your program’s advertiser affiliations will be set to “pending” and must first be re-approved by individual advertiser(s) in order for tracking and transactions to resume.
You should note that your current or pending payout(s) are on hold until your program is correctly and completely updated.Upon notice of the special program update, advertisers may choose to reverse unpaid transactions.
You are directed to reply to this specific e-mail within 48 hours of delivery date. Failure to respond shall be deemed an admission of liability and acceptance of this letter as 15 days notice of termination, and may result in Commission Junction exercising its right to terminate the Commission Junction Publisher Service Agreement upon 15 days from the date of this written notice or sooner.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please reply to this email using the provided reply-to address and leave the subject line intact.
Publisher Support and Compliance
Commission Junction, a ValueClick company
You have received this email because you are or were a member of the Commission Junction Network.As a current or former member, you may periodically receive messages from Commission Junction that you are unable to unsubscribe from because they contain important account or network information.
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF COMMISSION JUNCTION. © 2007 Commission Junction, Inc. All rights reserved. This work contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Commission Junction. Removal of this notice, and use, examination, disclosure, transfer and copying of all or part of this work are prohibited, except with the express written consent of Commission Junction.
改成动机的就没事了。。钱会不会发就不知道了。 改成动机后,还要回信说明啊.这个信不知道怎么写,英文很菜.