CJ 收到调查信了
Commission Junction is currently investigating your account and has the following inquiries regarding your promotional methods:Did you create http://xxx.com or did you acquire it from someone else?
Please respond by replying to this specific e-mail within 5 days of the mailing date.
Failure to respond shall be deemed an admission of liability and acceptance of this letter as 15 days notice of termination, and may result in Commission Junction exercising its right to terminate the Commission Junction Publisher Service Agreement 15 days from the date of this written notice or sooner.
Please note that current or pending payout(s) may be placed on hold pending notification from you and Commission Junction’s confirmation of your full compliance.
If you have questions regarding this notice, please reply to this email using the provided reply-to address and leave the subject line intact.
Publisher Support and Compliance
Commission Junction, a ValueClick company
You have received this email because you are or were a member of the Commission Junction Network.As a current or former member, you may periodically receive messages from Commission Junction that you are unable to unsubscribe from because they contain important account or network information.
CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF COMMISSION JUNCTION.2007 Commission Junction, Inc. All rights reserved. This work contains information that is confidential and proprietary to Commission Junction. Removal of this notice, and use, examination, disclosure, transfer and copying of all or part of this work are prohibited, except with the express written consent of Commission Junction. 你懂这封信是什么意思么? 解答问题不收费,翻译要收费。 大概意思 是问我 这个站 是我自己做的 还是买的 买的 你既然知道怎么办 还问干什么 发了贴才知道你 解答问题是 免费的
[ 本帖最后由 freelzyr 于 2008-1-25 16:25 编辑 ] 原帖由 freelzyr 于 2008-1-25 16:23 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
发了贴才知道你 解答问题是 免费的
我只不过喜欢引导别人自问自答 :lol: 原帖由 静水流深 于 2008-1-25 17:21 发表 http://www.ads.org.cn/images/common/back.gif
我只不过喜欢引导别人自问自答 :lol:
销售 从 倾听 引导开始 斑竹不愧是斑竹,佩服~~