前几天在论坛问过说买空间,买了一下没用,ip是被和谐的,说给我换ip,还没换就直接来个这么封信,说我DDos他们,而且不配合他们调查,他们根本没有调查,而且我也没听说DDos他们还要拿他们帐号来用的。顺便问一句,ip都不通中国能Ddos他们吗?贴出来给大家看看!我气的是我用国内银行卡通过ips支付的,按最高的汇率算,即使退款是寄支票给我,按最低的汇率算,还要给个托收得手续费,一来一回亏200了。一下没用。就当给孙子发红包了!== START ==
Your account was exploited the several times in the last few weeks. From our investigation we also noticed a relation of your account to the DoS attack on Carp. Because of this and because you didn't reply to our tickets or take any actions to solve this problem, we now consider your account as being a security risk for our shared machines and we have permanently suspended it.
You can find a full backup of your account, including emails, databases, files etc ath the following link:
I will now forward this ticket to our billing department so they will cancel your account from our database and, if you want, give you a refund for the remaining period.
Thank you and have a great day !
== END ==
Due to this reason, we are, unfortunately, unable to move your account. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch, should you require further assistance.
Best Regards,
Hasan Panetta
Membership Forum - http://www.lunarforums.com
Tutorials - http://www.lunarpages.com/tutorials
CPanel Manual - http://www.lunarpages.com/new_manual
Telephone: 1-714-521-8150 Fax: 1-714-521-8195
Mon-Fri, 6:00am PST - 8:00pm PST 不知道为什么有人喜欢用那个空间,
主要是空间不好啊,付款再方便都没用 :mad: 我买的独立IP,用着感觉还可以!!
买国外空间一定要买独立IP :funk: 站上好几个兄弟给我推荐,我就买了! 看到有幾個他們host的網站.速度挺快的. 也曾經想買. 后來wht上面說去年一年他們服務差很多.... -.- 找人换些 PP,买 GODADDY的吧,个人感觉不错。一直用。 这个lp看着就不舒服啊 前几天俺刚买了lp 原帖由 赚钱讨老婆 于 2008-2-4 00:09 发表 http://www.cnwebmasters.cn/images/common/back.gif
找人换些 PP,买 GODADDY的吧,个人感觉不错。一直用。
谢谢,现在没办法了,只能换一个了! GODADDY还好吧!