高手们给整理下下面的大致意思,谢谢!February 1st, 2008
eBay's officials have confirmed PayPal's agreement to acquire Fraud Science Ltd, privately owned Israeli company that at present time is considered one of the leading innovative companies in developing online risk tools, in cash transactions with estimated transaction value exceeding $169 million.As it is expected the acquisition of Fraud Science Ltd would enhanceand considerably perfectionfraud management system of both companies,Paypal and eBay, and, in return, would acceleratethe development of new level of fraud detection tools and would increase the trust andconfidence of the users.President of PayPal Scott Thompson declared that"integrating Fraud Science's risk tools with already existing PayPal sophisticated fraud management system would allow PayPal and eBay to become even more protective and more effective in preventing millions of users from fraudulent transactions." Fraud Science Ltd has developed a technology that is able to determine the difference between real and fraudulent transactions with adequate and surprising level of accuracy.It offers a non-comparable transaction verification service that would help to provide users with unprecedented fraud management system.
As it has been announced the deal would be closed innearest 30 days. EBay's officialsdon't expect any significant material impact on its 2008 financial outlook. However, the increased quotes for listing items on eBay have slightly increased despite the promise of online giant to low them down. Was it a fund raising campaign preparing this acquisition?
EBay, the name of which is on everybody's lips, yesterday made another announcement on purchasing of Israeli company "Fraud Sciences" for $169 million. This company deals with the development of technologies on fraud detection in electronic payment systems and offers automated anti-fraud systems including SpotLight VFX and SpotLight T2T.
"Integrating Fraud Sciences' risk tools with PayPal's sophisticated fraud management system should allow us to be even more effective in protecting eBay and PayPal's hundreds of millions of customers around the world," said Scott Thompson, president of PayPal.
Not only tools will be integrated into PayPal system. Immediately after completing the present a acquisition the founders of Fraud Sciences Ltd Shaked and Saar Wilf along with Chief Operating Officer Yossi Barak will join PayPal's technology and fraud management teams to struggle against the fraudsters. This purchase is expected to be completed within 30 days and have not any significant influence on eBay's financial position.
Aynny, reporter of Ecommerce Journal eBay证实PayPal同意收购 Fraud Science Ltd公司