在CJ帐户登陆后的contact us里,提交一个Question:
标题:Apply to Send My Check by FedEx.
Hi Manager, I want to change to use FedEx to send my check.
could you please set it for me? thank you.
Dear XX,
Thank you for your inquiry. Commission Junction offers delivery by Federal Express (FedEx) to almost every country in the world for $40.00(US) for each payment sent.
If you would like to receive payment by FedEx for your regular Commission Junction payments, please acknowledge that you accept these terms and that you are aware that your publisher account will have a deduction of $40.00(US), or the functional currency equivalent, every time you are mailed a check.
Keep in mind that once this service is established you will continue to receive payments by FedEx and be charged $40.00(US) each time a payment is processed unless you notify us that you wish to discontinue FedEx delivery at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to your next scheduled payment. Payments are issued on or around the 20th of each month.
All requests to initiate or discontinue this service must be made by creating an incident through the "Contact Us" feature in your CJ Account Manager?.
Thank you for your patience and please let us know if we can be of any further assistance.
Yes, I accept the term, please set it for me. thank you.
**** Hidden Message ***** :lol :lol :lol
回复 1# 的帖子
:lol :lol :lol :lol LZ大牛啊!平邮过程人民币升值都比40刀多。我来算一下,美刀对人民币最利害也就07年,还不到每个月1%,每个月的1%贬值超过40刀,单张支票就是4000刀以上哦! 我来看一下啊:lol :P 来看一下什么东东 也来看一下 学习了... 但小票还是平邮吧...:L :D :'( :( :P 嗯,不错。不过还没做到这么大啊。都不知道怎么搞。 LZ强大啊,更强大的是把这些经验分享给我们这些菜鸟,顶你 :) 谢谢共享 gfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 看看 好像不错{s_015_m} 看看CJ支票联邦快递的申请方法 小票就免了 大票还可以搞下 不过40刀真是有点贵。实际花费应该就14刀左右,以前用MYUS地址,每次用DHL就是差不多14刀的费用 带任何方法 看一下学习{s_130_m} 也来看一下{s_186_m} 记住了。谢谢啊。 就会收到设置成功的回复。 常规邮寄就可以收票了,但要一个多月到中国。 LZ强大啊,更强大的是把这些经验分享给我们这些菜鸟,顶你 来看一下什么东东 联盟只会向着有利于成员的方向发展 哎 我还在第一阶段啊 这也可以?试试。 学习学习 LZ大牛啊!平邮过程人民币升值都比40刀多。
我来算一下,美刀对人民币最利害也就07年,还不到每个月1%,每个月的1%贬值超过40刀,单张支票就是4000刀以上哦! 我在学习 以后应该用得到! 申请方法 :){s_069_m}{s_043_m} 来看看呀 金额大的就搞这个了。。 虽然现在还用不上,学习一下先 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 1111111111111111111111111111111 邮费不知道贵不 111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 我来看一下啊:) :victory: 恩 看下 谢谢你的提供:sleepy: 不会找过40刀的,要是那么多都不如炒汇率了