just an experiment, hope useful for all.I created an experiment last Saturday to see how much organic traffic I could receive in one day, actually 24 hours.Heres what happened...
I created a site about....sejie film (this is just an example, not the real topic) last saturday at around noon.
I opened up my website creator, coz m lazy, dunt wanna waste much time on such an experiment. Then I use Coffeecup, designed the site, roughly taking about 20 mins to create.
My main page has lovely GG adsense, and a few affiliate links surrounding my Niche blogging article..
I added a few blank pages to my site, didnt link to them anywhere on my main page.
I opened up my Blog link generator, created a $hit load of links,copied and pasted the links to a page on my new site. Again, I did notlink to this page. I then opened up my Article Content Extractor andfound 5-10 articles related to "sejie". Copied these, andpasted them to another page on my site.
So, I have links to blogs, free content, granted I MAY get penalized, but still I have some content with my keywords in use.
I uploaded the site to my dedicated server. Opened PRstorm, ran it until it completed.
I then, maybe its a key step for you, but not, coz I dont think so, coz thought is much more important than tech in my opinion. I went to friendship website, joined 3 LARGE groups, with active members,commented on the groups discussion, and posted a link to my site at thebottom of each newly created post.
So, I have my new site, free content, links, and backlinks, PRstorm is running, posted a few links on Facebook, and let it run.
At last is the results of my experiment:
Sunday 1 pm.
1100 visitors, $29 affiliate earnings.
Sunday 8 pm.
2450 visitors, $50 affiliate earnings.
This is just a weak experiment, and granted my be a little time consumingfor some and is not automated. I do not like building tons of adsensesites, its just not rewarding enough for me.
All softwares mentioned above can be found and download for totally free coz of scripts
Sunday 1 pm.
1100 visitors, $29 affiliate earnings.
Sunday 8 pm.
2450 visitors, $50 affiliate earnings.
[ Last edited by angle at 2008-11-26 13:57 ] 厉害!可以测试一下 lol 学习一下,谢谢提供. 很好的方法实验一下. 里面好几个专业词语还不大会! {s_186_m} 很好的想法? 看了,不大明白,收藏了 {s_186_m} {s_186_m} {s_186_m} {s_186_m} {s_186_m} 厉害!可以测试一下 lol 想实践一下. 很好的想法,效果很惊人 我也认为不错 谢谢提供. 好像不可以啊 真有那么神奇吗 学习一下先,谢谢啊 学习一下先,谢谢啊:) 学习一下。 思维永远大于技术,的确如此 厉害!可以测试一下 lol 看了,不错啊!SEO这方面我也正在学 学习 了 很好的实验,要动手才行 学习一下,谢谢提供. very dated 这个方法现在估计不行了把 学习一下先 高手~只有不断实验才能更进一步啊 做个标记`晚上看, 现在上课去 很好很强大。学习了。 fb在中国没法用吧 但是是好的推广平台 其实国外人很喜欢看这些链接的 这个东西貌似不错。 先收藏了 学习一下 That's not bad.. 挺好奇的,也想试试 谢谢分享 厉害 很有想法啊 收藏了,相当受益的贴子 先人 败 受益呀 很给力很强大。学习了。 社交很重要啊。