[精华脚本] 5种流行代理验证脚本下载
AZ Environment variables 1.04: A general purpose script, compatible with automated proxy-checking programs such as Charon, Bleach, AATools, ProxyChecker, ProxyRama, and most others. Simple and lightweight code, available in both PHP and Perl.
Textenv : Written in 2005 by Hell Labs Team for use with the ProxyChecker program. Outputs a complete, plain-text dump of all environmental variables passed in the header. Lightweight code designed for speed and simplicity.
PHP Proxyjudge 1.01 : Created by My-Proxy for use with Bleach, the tester module of Forum Proxy Leecher (FPL). Note that this script only queries for specific known proxy-related variables, which may not always be 100% fool-proof.
CGI Environment : Written by G-Lock Software for use with Advanced Administrative Tools (AATools) Proxy Analyzer software. Detailed, color-coded output of all relevant environmental variables, including server-related information.
ProxyJudge V2.35: This legacy script has not been updated in many years, yet it is still widely used. Returns "Anonymity Level" for proxies. Due to the size and complexity of its code, this script is not recommended for automated testing, as it may put an excessive CPU load on the hosting web server, resulting in slow response time and/or failure. 不是因为脚本值钱,那是因为用这些脚本的人一般都有emu性质,按照emu性质的东西不泛滥的原则来定价的 楼主要的钱好高啊,lol,先看看,都是不错的东西 就是流行的验证1,2,3级代理,超级代理的网页验证脚本,有了的话可以自己拿去放在空间上验证
都是最新的,好不好的话自己看着办 这些东西非常好啊,顶楼主!@ 很好很强大{s_055_m} {s_055_m} 很好,可惜现在没有那么多钱买 价格确实不不低啊啊 是不是本地搭php环境 然后把脚本丢到目录下也可以完成验证功能?
ProxyJudge V2.35和Php ProxyJudge