Dear Domain Holder,This message is a reminder to help you keep the contact data associated with your domain registration up-to-date.
As of October 31, 2003 we are required by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to send you this reminder by the Anniversary date of each registered Domain Name that is subject to the terms and conditions of that organization.
Below is a list of domain names with your email address listed as the registrant or administrative contact.The current contact information associated with the domain may be verified by following the link provided.
If any of the contact data is inaccurate, it must be corrected.If you need assistance in accessing your account to make these updates, please reply to this email.If the contact data is accurate, no further action is required to comply with this notice.
Please remember that under the terms of your registration agreement, the provision of false Whois (contact) information can be grounds for cancellation of your domain name registration.
Domain Names with Anniversary Dates between December 1 and December 31真是奇怪.但也不是每个域名都收到.这样的信都收到过2次了.
现在咋就又碰到了呢.这种问题该怎么处理呢? 系统自动发送,友情提醒,可不必理会。 有些人可能太过于敏感了,高手解答心里踏实了 应该 是系统自动发送的
你是哪个服务商 的? enom服务商的...
不知道是否要紧.这个域名我比较重视,都已经4年了.. Original posted by luckasus at 2008-11-29 22:23 http://www.cnwebmasters.com/images/common/back.gif