Getting Text Ads to Stick
The one thing that you have to be able to do to make money on craigslist is to get your ads to stick, without them being ghosted.There are only a small handful of people who can do that, and if you’re the part of group who has constant trouble with this, you’ve got to figure it out before you’ll be able to use any method to generate cash.
This is for the person who has done everything in their power to get their ads to stick with no luck at all.
Of course you need to have fresh emails and be able to rotate your ip address, but for many people, this just isn’t enough.
Keep reading, as I will discuss a nearly surefire way for your text ads to go live, although for now it will take a little time and work to set up.
Posting a text ad can be very difficult, because with the wrong wording or phrase, your ad will set off a craigslist filter and never make it live.
There’s no way to know what words or phrases craigslist filters, and it can be very frustrating.
If you know a little html, you may be aware that each character has it’s own html number.
For example, the capital letter A has a html number of A.
There is a number just like this for every letter, lowercase and uppercase.
Instead of posting your text ad with just your normal text, go through and replace all the letters of your text ad with the appropriate html number.
When you do this, craigslist only recognizes the html code and not the words or phrases that could be filtered.
To their filters, it just looks like a bunch of individual html numbers randomly put together.
To make this very easy, you can use this website: type your text in the top section, and then convert it. Once it is converted, just copy the decimal code to character section. Input that into your craigslist ad and it should get your text ads up easily.
If you want to include your link, simply replace letters with this code, and your link will show up in the text ad, but it will be unclickable.
While this is only a solution to get a very basic text ad to stick, you can still see great results with that type of ad and it is a great base to start with.
If you’d like, throw your link into the end of the html numbers in a way that it will show up clickable.
As long as your link hasn’t been blocked by CL, then your ads should still show up. Do some testing of your own to figure out your limits with this.
Here’s a complete list of each letter's corresponding html number if you'd like it for your reference: AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHIIJJKKLLMMNNOOPPQQRRSSTTUUVVWWXXYYZZaabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz