Q:What is your experience level?A:well,I have been doing affiliate marketing for 3 years now. I have used the following ways to promote products. PPC to offer, ppc to landing page to offer, article writing to promote offer, niche blogs reviewing and promoting offer, social sites using video.
Q:How do you plan to promote our offers?
A:See above for ways I will promote offer. I then explain to them some of the same from above.
Q:When can you get started?
A:within 24 hours.
与大家共享了,如果你口语好,也不需要找人代打了。经验和教训总是共存的。Good luck! not bad,我很喜欢这个共享!~ yes ,very good
verygood 有点像以前课本上的标准答案,lol very nice!{s_192_m}{s_043_m} 有点教科书的味道 不过很不错 lol 谢谢,谢谢,第一次发的原创贴,其实也是在国外论坛里找到的。
其实,最重要的还是要大家资源共享,才能共同进步和提高。 可以参考 这个帖子好:loveliness: 不错 记下了,希望以后能用得着。 不错,收藏了,感谢楼主 thanks very much..!!!!!!!! very good!!!!!!! 最好再修正一下口音,一嘴地道的街头老黑的腔调就更像了 好东西,好好训练口语去了 ohmy god!
let me show you who to chat:
AM:what's you name ?
me: my name is philip norton.How are you .
AM: fine. What's your email address:
me:*******@***dot dom
AM: let me check.please wait for a while.
me:ok! thinks.
AM:I find there's some thing wrong in your application.you said you are in california,but your ip address show you in canada, can you show me your drive ID?
me: oh sorry sr,I don't have a drive ID,i am a college student in cambridge, i make money to finance for my study.
AM:hmmmm,you are really a big liar.I really not believe you. why do you go to cambridge to study?
me:it neally from home, and my uncle is also in us and neighbor cambridge.
AM:hmmmm,ok, i will send you an email about your status.
me: ok!
过一会信来了看到联盟说: 美国没有剑桥 呵呵跟我玩 小样! 楼主的很实用,拷贝了,谢谢 相当有意思,而且很常见的现象。联盟经理一般都不当面戳穿,哈哈 好资料,留名日后需要再用 恨我不生在印度,可以有英语环境 not bad,谢谢分享1~·~ 唉。。。。前天打电话给hydra,口语不好,被拒了。。。 看样学好英语还是很重要,从头捡起英语。 英语还是很重要!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 感谢,貌似现在能看懂一点了。 英语重要啊 很实用啊 perfect not bad,谢谢lz分享,如果资料更多点会更好。{:14_1234:} 很不错哦 都忘了。一个事情。hey hello. 很实用 的 yes ,very good 谢谢lz分享 呃,口语不好,说不了 英文很重要,有同感。 最基本的地理常识都没有,呵呵!