"How to create killer mini-sites《 如何创建杀手迷你网站》
Not only these techniques work like a charm, but they are also quite inexpensive andpretty easy to learn by anyone. With all the options out there and all the possible ways
of how to set up websites, I'm sure you'll come to appreciate how inexpensive it really is
to set up a hard-seller to pump up your profits.
Is the web making you lose money faster than you earn it?
One of the greatest myths in web marketing is that all you need to do is slap up a
website showcasing your products and submit it to the search engines... and instantly
you'll have hordes of customers flipping out their wallets to buy from you.
As you and I both know, nothing could be further from the truth. If things were really
that easy, you wouldn't have ordered this special report, right?
The fact is, setting up a website and making it profitable can be costly and
cumbersome. But as expensive and difficult as it may be, you have no choice but to get
yourself on the .com bandwagon.
If you don't optimize your website with the killer strategies I am about to reveal, your
business may just wither and die... just like all the "dot com deaths" you see on
television. And we wouldn't want that to happen, would we?
A simple but effective solution! 楼主你最好重新编辑一下内容,影响阅读的效果! 最后一段说的挺吓人的。 书籍都发到电子书板块!!
-1分警示!! 下载下来再看,就是觉得很乱 lol 好东西啊 收下了 好东西也很贵啊 收下了慢慢看。再发表意见