不知道为什么,用站内发信问,没答复过几天再发信问问 一般回复是24小时左右,那边是白天才给你回复。 最后要点提交才算问问题,没点,所以没发成功
等待…… 6个月没业绩,被扣了10刀……
Thank you for your inquiry. The $10 fee you see in your account is a dormancy fee, due to not having generated any commissions in six consecutive months. After six months without having made a sale, your account will be deducted $10 per month until the balance is $0-- then the account will be deactivated. All this is stated in the Publisher Service Agreement, "PSA", which you agreed to upon signing up for an account with Commission Junction.
Once an account is deactivated the relationships you had with advertisers prior to deactivation have been terminated and your links are no longer valid until you restore your advertiser relationships. You will need to reapply to advertisers and, in some cases, create new links.
All of your account information is still intact-including your website identification number(s) or PID(s). Therefore, assuming the advertiser link (or “AID”) is still active, once you have reestablished your relationship with the advertiser your links will work and record transactions again. However, you are strongly encouraged to review you web site(s), run an Expired Link Report and/or Performance Report to verify this.
We appreciate your interest and participation in the CJ Marketplace™ and regret any inconvenience this may have created.
Remember you can get answers to most of your questions 24 hours-a-day by logging into your CJ Account Manager™ and clicking on the “Help” link.
Commission Junction Client Support
那如果我这个月有业绩了,是不是再从这个业绩时间开始,6个月再扣…… 不是吧,没业绩就扣。害的我没信心开始搞了。 不是吧.......... 我的理解是正确的:
Thank you for your inquiry. After reviewing your account it shows that you did earn a commission this month and so your account will remain active for another six months.
We hope this answers your question. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Commission Junction Client Support