Welcome 'Explorer', our new December Template. The Explorer template features really extensive themed variations for different purposes and different font-faces using CSS3. Like all our latest templates, Explorer is based on the Warp5 Joomla template framework.
Template variations at its best
This time we have taken it a step further, to provide you great looking variations for websites about Adventure trips, Traveling, Vacations, Sports and Blogging. Further to provide a overall consistent layout, every variation comes with it's own style for the modules. So make sure to check out every single template variation! This template also features a large top module position to publish your pictures or promotional content, e.g. in a YOOcarousel.
CSS3 Web Fonts
In Explorer, we used one of the great new features of CSS3, the font-face rule. With font-face you can enhance your website by using your favorite font. Just have a look at the article- and module headlines of this site. We also included different fonts for the templates variations.
Feature list
* Extensive themed template variations
* Built with the new Warp5 template framework
* Muti-column dropdown menu
* Lots of modules with color variations, endless combinations with icons and badges possible
* 2-1-3 column ordering for search engine friendliness
* Compact size, using gzip and image sprites
* Works with all YOOtools
下载地址:http://rapidshare.com/files/315085893/yt_explorer_1.5.0.zip 一直都用WP的, Joomla的模板暂时用不上吧, 多谢楼主分享 需要额外的模块吗? 我比较菜,这东西没用过:L 感谢楼主的分享 好模板。谢谢 opps...