Time to get some traffic...Hey guys, and welcome to the “Traffic” portion of List Control.
This week, you’ll be learning how to build keyword lists, split test, use fancier landing pages and traffic getting secrets.
In this live “whiteboard” introduction video, Frank breaks down your goals for getting traffic.You’ll learn what CPL is and also find out the 4 questions you should know about your market before starting to get traffic in ANY niche.
Check it out! Testing Made Easy
Split testing used to be kind of a pain in the ass, but google has made a REALLY cool system that works extremely well.
In this video, Frank & Trey will show you how to setup Google Website Optimizer to split test your optin pages and see what converts the best! a killer keyword list
One of the most important parts of running ANY PPC campaign is building a killer Keyword List.
In this video, Trey walks you through his never before revealed secrets to building a keyword list that get’s cheap clicks on Yahoo, MSN, and other “non-google” Pay Per Click websites Source 1 - Yahoo Search Marketing
Now you’ve got it all and it’s time to bring in some high quality traffic!
The first source we’ll teach you is Yahoo.We love yahoo because they’re so damn easy to teach AND use.You simply give them money and they give you traffic… no hoops to jump through!
Check out this video to see exactly how to setup your campaign using the keyword list you’ve just built Source 2 - Setting up Microsoft Adcenter
Microsoft is the EASIEST PPC network to setup and get’s super high quality traffic.They don’t send as much traffic as Yahoo and Adwords, but when you’re testing out a new niche… then that’s OK!
Don’t discount this often overlooked traffic source.It might be where some of your highest quality PPC optins are hiding out! Yahoo Campaign REVIEW!
So now you get to dive in with me and see the first sales coming in.
You’ll also see WHAT I’m emailing my piano prospect list to bring in the sales.
Plus I’ll show you how I improve the $1.29 cost per lead I’m currently getting in Yahoo.(Which is pretty damn good to start with!) Content Network - Video 1 - The Fancy Blog
Alright ladies and gentlmen, now it’s time to get our Google on!
Now listen up, especially if you’re a Google Adwords newbie, because there are TWO main sections to Google Adwords:The Search Network and the Content Network. content network is MUCH easier to use and gets a ton of traffic.Frank and I have both sold MILLIONS of dollars online using PPC and the VAST majority was through the Google Content Network.
This whole google section of Module 2 is going to be teaching you
how to get leads from the Google Content Network, NOT the
Search Network!
Now, don’t worry… we want to teach you EVERYTHING about driving traffic so we’ll be releasing a whole series of Google Search Network videos in the Bonus section later on in this course.
But, we strongly advise you to focus on Content Network first!
Ok, so let’s get started.
First up Frank is going to give you a little sit-down discussion about Google Adwords to get you started, then Trey is going to show you how to install the now famous “$7,450 Blog Template” for the Google Content Network!
DOWNLOAD THE BLOG TEMPLATE Content Network - Video 2 - SEOing your blog
SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”.Basically it’s a fancy term for “getting links to your website”.
When Google sees that OTHER websites link to yours, then they like that…
Now remember when we said Google was kind of a pain in the ass?Well this is one reason why.
Even for the Content Network (which is easier to advertise on than their Search Network), you still want to do some “Mild SEO”.
This way when Google scans your site, they’ll see that some other websites have linked to it before.Which kind of gives you the air of legitimacy that good ol’ Google appreciates :-) Content Network - Video 3 - Plugins
Ok, so now you have your fancy blog setup.
These next two videos are going to get us “google ready”.
See, even though you’ve got the blog, you don’t want to run STRAIGHT to Google Adwords and start getting traffic.
First we’re going to install these super helpful plugins (and in the next video you’ll learn to do a little SEO work that will make Google happy!) adwords,msn adcenter,yahoo search marketing的视频教程 好东西 可惜我有了谢谢楼主 2# oceanxwzj
楼上的能具体说说,这个怎么回事吗? 我恨我的硬盘不够大:handshake 最近论坛英文贴怎么多了,天天在国外论坛看英文,到了国内论坛还要看英文,郁闷! 我的英文啊悲剧