Artisteer - the first and unique product of automation a web of design which instantly creates a fantastic kind, unique templates for СMS Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, themes for your blog or a HTML-page. Project surprising themes for Wordpress and create professional websites in считаные minutes. Convenient in use. Not требующии knowledge Photoshop, CSS, HTML.Экспорт that in Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal or templates for CMS.
Using Artisteer, you become at once the expert on a web to design, editing and cutting the schedule, coding XHTML and CSS, and creating templates a web of design and that for Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal - all in some minutes, without Photoshop'а or Dreamweaver'а, and any technical skills.
Top 10 reasons to use Artisteer
Generate cool Web design ideas.
Adjust generated designs to create great looking Web and Blog templates.
Create perfectly correct, validated HTML and CSS that conform to Web standards.
You don't need to learn Photoshop, CSS, HTML and other Web technologies to create great looking designs, including images and buttons.
If you are a Web designer, generate ideas, prototypes and quick Websites for your clients and friends.
Choose and use many included design elements, from backgrounds to photo objects and buttons.
Automatically solve problems with image aliasing, Web browser compatibility and other details requiring time and knowledge.
Learn how to create professional HTML and CSS code.
Save money on Wordpress Themes and Web design templates.
If you don't have the time, hire your kids to create great looking web design for you.
======================本 机 安 装 运 行 截 图======================
下载:http://www.verycd.com/topics/2760976/ 很牛的软件 不过不知道的是 这个模板做出来后 还需要套函数什么的吗 。。。感觉不怎么这样的。老是下这个下那个。需要东西到是下不了。 我正在下载那个免安装版,也试试咋样~~ 除了图片挂了之外,都很好。 我也看到了,好像不能做WP的CMS 除了图片挂了之外,都很好。
kelgood 发表于 2010-5-11 12:57 http://www.cnwebmasters.com/images/common/back.gif
http://item.slide.com/r/1/256/i/8dQxJI4R4z927gBZQo_JZTPZ6wjNbnWf/ 看起来真的很不错 感谢分享
现在电驴资源用什么客户端比较好? VC上有下载的啊~挺好的~~ 很早以前就用了! 还不错! 感谢楼主分享,去电驴搜搜还有啥好东西 谢谢分享了哦
呵呵 像word 很好的软件
谢lz 太谢谢了 很好 很强大 这个强大啊,以后做wp主题就方便了 到底怎么样啊,我css不行 不知道有没有中文版,, 我也Have a look ,试用一下 帅气的工具 却是很强大 谢谢了 {s_129_m}来学习了。 看不懂的说 哭啊。。。