autoblog tips: third party services & duplicate content
本帖最后由 haha 于 2010-6-21 22:48 编辑Hi guys,
I'm sorry I can't type Chinese right now, but I'd really like to share something with you.
These third party services are very helpful at least for me, and even I integrate some of them into my personal autoblog script.
rss feed combiner.
Note: you can collect a number of feed regard to your niche and mix them into one with this service. (I also use this site to quickly index the forum profile because hostmyrss is capable of translating html into rss feed)
Full text rss.
Note: it will convert partial rss feed into full text. (The theory of Fivefilters is based on Readability, above all, it is open source! )
Some people would recommend yahoo pipe but I don't think it is an ideal solution for people who want to get full text feed in bulk and it is also too complicate especially for beginners.
feed source:
google alert
google blogsearch
I only use these two service as my feed source,but make sure that your autoblog script comes with an excellent duplicate remover, or your blog will be the hell of duplicate content.
Besides these two choices, yahoo and bing have same services.
Sorry guys, I forgot to mention cron job online service.
Some autoblog platforms will provide cron job functuion and give you a line of code to run.
Personally, I use which is also recommened by BlogSense.
Duplicate content:
Duplicate contents, IMO, only pose negative effect to the user's experience. Duplicate content is not a big deal for google since google has the ability to pick one up among these duplicate contents in a site, but if your site has identical content with different domains, you have to be careful!!!
I've tried many rewriter plugins but I never satisfied with any of them, including mine. A perfect rewrter plguins will be coming with
word spin +phrase spin + sentence spin+ paragraph spin +paragraph swap + html linsertation. Moreover, they must be smart to spin your article according to context. Plugins like write again( it has many rehashed versions, I at least tried 4 of them )onlycomewith word spin. Mine will be more advanced but it is still word spin + phrasespin.
BTW: I'm not here to tell something javascript obfuscation plugins that is almost bullshit.
Just 2 cents.
Bear with my poor English lol
不好意思,撰写此文时,由于电脑有问题,输入法无法使用, 在下载东西的等待时间内写的.由于文章本身也没什么实质内容,就不打算翻译了. 不过,话说回来,我的英语只有高中水平,想必大家也能至少看懂一二. share thank you! 我还是喜欢用pipe 感谢楼主分享 ths for share! 我慢慢看 ,基础比较差~~~ 在国外论坛发过?好像见过。 在国外论坛发过?好像见过。
dxszzcylm 发表于 2010-6-18 22:00
Well, next time I will post my article at forgen forum for the very first time. 8# haha
兄弟英文好炫 好文,还可以练英文 学习了。。。。。。