以前申请POKERSTARS.COM的AFFILIATE非常容易,并且其AFFILIATE只批CPA,即使做个BLOG,也能批下来,现在对站的质量要求提高了,不知道大家最近申请它的CPA是否顺利啊! 没做过,佣金如何? 不知道这是什么 应该是不好搞了 Dear Peter Hack,We regret to inform you that your affiliate application 0905-60176 has been denied.
The following comment was provided: At this time we do not feel that your site is appropriate for our program.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the affiliate team.
Best Regards,
The PokerStars.com Affiliate Team Dear Bill Cannon,
We regret to inform you that your affiliate application 0902-05895 has been denied.
The following comment was provided: Unfortunately, as we are unable to view your web site online, we cannot approve your application.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the affiliate team.
Best Regards,
The PokerStars.com Affiliate Team 一直没申请过。不了解情况。
ps:ps现在要怎么存款?webmoney? 好像一段时间被摧残的很厉害 没做过,去看看, 老大说这个已经穷途末路了 已经穷途末路 没法做这个了 这个不好搞了!