本帖最后由 sacrg793 于 2010-10-24 12:24 编辑经理:hi,
我: hi, this is xxx, I applied your network a few days ago and I'm calling to complete the application process.
经理:what is your name again?
我:my name is xxx
经理:can you spell it for me.
经理:so how did you hear about us?
我: I came across your nework on a review site, it's called affiliatepaying.com, there are a lot of reviews there and it is very good site.
经理:oh, i see. can you say your address real quick?
我: sure, my address is xxxx.
经理:oh, you are from xxx, my father used to live there. how's the weather in xxx?
我: it's getting a little bit cold lately.
经理:so how long you've been in affiliate marketing?
我: about two years.
经理:have your worked with any affiliate network before?
我: yeah, I am with commission junction, linkshare and ndemand affiliate network.
经理:so can you tell me a little bit about yourself and how you promote our offers?
我: I got started in affiliate marketing two years ago, when i read a story on a forum, since then i started to learn more about how to advertise
through PPC advertising on google, how to use ppv marketing and recently i started to learn seo and keyword research. I mainly promote offers through
PPC, ppv and email marketing. I have a list of 5000 emails which I collected in the past and they work really well with some of the offers. I also drive
traffic through social networking sites like facebook and twitter.
经理:that's great. so can you give me one of your old landing pages?
我: sorry, i don't have one right now.
经理:which verticals are you mostly interested in?
我: i'm interested in health, education, free trial and email submit offers.
经理:do you think who are the leaders in cpa affliate industry right now?
我: as far as i am concerned, affiliate.com and neverblue are the best ones.
经理:can you name an individual?
我: sorry, i don't remmeber any individuals.
经理:ok, anyway, i'll approve your application.
我:thanks for giving me this opportunity, sir. 呵呵,支持一下你ba 看看其实也没什么,打电话关键就是克服心里因素:),大家有机会还是自己多动手,很多东西都是从无到有的:lol 这叫心里有粮,手里不慌
你会说英语,在本论论稍微混些日子,大概知道这个过程是怎么回事,应付老外一个电话调查,是轻松的 没看懂
不懂英语 5# tiantian1
没看懂 学会一门外语还是挺重要的啊 感谢分享。。。。。。 AIM上这样聊绝对没问题,但是在电话上这样聊。对这个坛子里好多人来说的确有难度。。。 牛人呀。。聊成这样子。。 竟然问到了当地的天气 我擦~
楼主用的什么地址难道都是外国名字和地址或者本身楼主就在外国? 11# myadvertise
楼主是帮人打的 有机会找楼主帮打几个电话 英语差了,看不大明白,悲哀