关于Lead Shaving的秘密
下文转自G***ds老板的Blog:Nicky Noodle: Josh, my name is nick, I run a service for 17 networks currently, I’m not sure if g***ds shaves leads, however we provide a service
Nicky Noodle: if you are interested we can have you set up within 24hrs
Me: A lead shaving service?
Nicky Noodle: correct
Nicky Noodle: our system works on any platform and you can shave leads by offer by entering a %
Nicky Noodle: most networks using our service shave 15%-30%
Nicky Noodle: we recommend 20%
Me: How did you hear about us?
Nicky Noodle: When we are out of networks from word of mouth we go affiliatepaying and approch a few networks
Nicky Noodle: we never share our clients with anyone, or name names ever.
Nicky Noodle: set up time takes less then 24 hours
Me: Sorry, we are not interested.
Nicky Noodle: np
估计各位在做的某几家就在这17家之内。。。尤其是某些专门从各大联盟BROKER OFFER的小联盟~· 真黑啊这行! 喜欢看楼主爆料 楼主爆料 我就收藏 哪个行业都有黑的,该黑就要黑 所以好公司真的好重要啊。特别是对于PPC的来说。。。。
赚20%和不赚的区别有时候真的好大好大。 盾不懂啊 回复看看 现在觉得英文就是天书啊 所以好公司真的好重要啊。特别是对于PPC的来说。。。。
huanjiangg 发表于 2010-11-21 21:12 http://cnwebmasters.com/images/common/back.gif
是啊,正规流量遇上这种真是有苦说不出,只能自认倒霉了 太菜,看不懂 111111111111 高手翻译下啊 菜鸟看不懂啊 Shaving? 联盟扣量吗是说 这行没有最黑只有更黑