Domaindiscount24.net 是key-systems旗下的域名注册商,1998就获得了ICCAN的认证所以相当的老资格了,之前弄过0.99英镑的.info域名,现在domaindiscount24.net 推出了免费的5英镑购物券,大家可以免费获得.eu域名和.info域名。现在只要在Domaindiscount24.net 注册一个新账户,就可以收到一封Credit note XXXX的邮件,邮件里面写着,已经为账户新增了5欧元。
最后建议有条件的朋友可以用国外的IP去注册,这样就可以注册到eu域名了,如果你用国内IP注册eu域名是注册不到的。 本帖最后由 myadvertise 于 2010-12-6 15:00 编辑
感谢楼主的好消息 免费的总归是有吸引力的
Terms of the dd24 December promotion for new customers:
- Each new customer who signs up at domaindiscount24 in December 2010 gets an incentive (a promotional voucher) of 4.20 EUR / 5.00 EUR incl. VAT that is credited to the customer account.
- The promotional voucher must be redeemed until December 31, 2010, otherwise the credit expires.
- The promotional voucher can be used for all services of domaindiscount24.
- The credit from the promotional voucher can not be redeemed in cash. The transfer of credits, or registered services is excluded.
- Only one promotional voucher can be redeemed per customer account. Only one promotional voucher per household.
- Mass registrations or new account registrations by existing customers are prohibited. In case of abuse, Key-Systems reserves the right to delete the registered services and / or the credit.
- The promotion is valid until further notice and may be terminated without prior notice. 可以转出么? 正规的站应该都可以转出 但是EU域名好非主流啊 感谢大大了.. 真是个好消息! eu 不知用起来如何? 以前eu的有个平台免费注册过,不是很主流,做站其实还是com王道 eu要欧洲人的信息或者是公司信息才能注册的,国人信息直接over,再说现在注册已经没有奖金赠送了,前几天被国人QJ了! 用来做垃圾站群还行吧。 昨天还能注册来着...今天注册不给钱了... 注册多的都给封了 9# woshigaozhen
国人所到之处寸草不生 国人真是蝗虫啊,走到哪里就吃光哪里。:L:funk: 这样也行,,, 过期了,没有免费的午餐了 过期了,期待下次的优惠 eu的要审查的 哦,过期了 哎国人的这种搞法就是前人占尽便宜后人无路可走 过期了吧。。。