onlyyou 发表于 2004-12-30 07:53:33


我承认,犯了一个错误.在申请一个好公司帐户的时候...用了一个烂站.那个站原来是我用来搞GG的.后面GG帐号被K了.站也就仍在那里了..这次用来申请好几个公司,估计又全部不行了..因为站太过粗糙.而且当时为了申请到GG,没有考虑太多.我那个站是有关税收和法律的.抄别人的站做成的.那家伙是US 加洲的..我改成utah的,虽然改了点内容和UTAH有关....但是大部分内容还是加洲的..这回才想到原来US很多洲的法律和税度根本就不同..倒了...可惜了一个玉米,限制死了是UTAH的东西...想改成别的内容也不好改了..这里是一个广告商的回信.最后一段给了我一点希望,只是不知道是不是这公司的公式化文..XX...:

We are sorry to inform you that we cannot accept your application at this
time. We felt that the content, quality or focus of your site was not a
good fit for our mortgage and debt services. It could be any of these

-Your email was returned to us or is not valid---这TM瞎扯,真不行的话,我能收到他回信吗?admin@玉米信箱的.XX
-You did not list a website or explain how you plan on promoting ****---这点不否认,当时没填好..
-Your site is under construction or not live, no 404's allowed---搞不太清楚,404是啥玩意?
-Your content was deemed unsuitable--内容了..
-Your site violates the intellectual property rights of ****---X的..知识产权??
-Your application was incomplete, with critical information missing---好像填得挺全的呀...
-Your site is a list-of-links site or banner farm with no unique content-还是内容...
-Your site has legally or morally dubious content--看来这点就是说到制度的不同了.

If you do not have a website, but have access to a significant number of
contacts who would be interested in our service, please contact me
directly for other ways to earn income representing our site and products.
You must contact us directly to be approved for Email or Offline

Although your application was not approved this time, if any of your site
circumstances change, we welcome you to re-apply in the future.---各位大哥..这是不是希望的种子???改了内容后应该有点希望吧?


goldsnow 发表于 2004-12-30 09:37:25

被拒绝 可能是下面几种原因的任意一种...
Originally posted by onlyyou at 2004-12-30 07:53 AM:
我承认,犯了一个错误.在申请一个好公司帐户的时候...用了一个烂站.那个站原来是我用来搞GG的.后面GG帐号被K了.站也就仍在那里了..这次用来申请好几个公司,估计又全部不行了..因为站太过粗糙.而且当时为了申请到G ...

onlyyou 发表于 2004-12-30 10:06:26

Originally posted by goldsnow at 2004-12-30 09:37 AM:
被拒绝 可能是下面几种原因的任意一种...

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