jack 发表于 2010-12-29 02:14:08

这又是什么情况, 难我的网站非常好

I am Martha Jackson and I am a member of some financial communities. I just visited
your site xx.com/ and trust me you are doing a good job for your
site. I read some of the articles of your site and I really found them worth
reading. The quality of your content is excellent. It will help you to earn extra
value from google.

After seeing this, I would like to do something for your site and that is for
FREE!!. I love to write financial articles and I would like to contribute something
for your site if you'll give me the permission. I can give you an original guest
post and I assure you that it will be published only in your site.

jack 发表于 2010-12-29 02:16:14


I was surfing net for some finance articles when I got your site(
xx.com/) and found that it has many articles written on
personal loans for student, debt consolidation, entertainment, college
memories, etc..

Your site is nice and has good content. I am impressed with your site as it
is helping people in taking their financial decision. So, I would like to
send an article for a guest post in your site based on student loan
consolidation. My article will be unique and quality one article and also
help your site to get more traffic. In return you will get a back link from
a quality site.

Please reply me as soon as possible whether I can be able to contribute my
article here.

myadvertise 发表于 2010-12-29 08:43:01

二楼的没看,光看了一楼的帖子了。那个人意思是客座Blog就是guest blog,所谓免费,的代价是你给他的文章里做个外链,否则外国也有活雷锋了?是种发高质量外链的形式,老外虚晃一枪,把楼主恭维的云里雾罩~哈哈

donkeymailer 发表于 2010-12-29 09:48:20


kokoram 发表于 2010-12-29 10:04:52


hlzone 发表于 2010-12-29 20:13:57


myadvertise 发表于 2010-12-29 20:17:03

估计也不是啥老外 或许是个阿X 不知道有咖喱味不?

myadvertise 发表于 2010-12-30 14:44:36

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查看完整版本: 这又是什么情况, 难我的网站非常好