用一个新域名申请CPAlead,第一次没过,后来邮件联系了下说了很多自己非常希望加入,也学习了很多关于CPAlead操作的经验,还是没给过,这次发了封邮件过来:I can approve your account I just need to know a few things.How do you plan on promoting our offers, and what are your main forms of traffic generation?I just need to know a little bit more about how you plan on promoting our offers. If you plan on promoting our offers on any URL's please provide them to me so that I may review them for you.
我该怎么给他回复啊?求助论坛里的牛人给帮下忙。帮到忙的直接金币5个啊。谢谢啦! 只能看懂,可是写不出来。
英语不好啊。。 我曾经 来回了 五六次都每批,你不能简单的说会什么,这些谁都会说的。
要看出你更专业,你懂得 你敢说ppc?他肯定让你发图 你需要有让它信服的推广方法 My website traffic main from the search engines, Every day there are about 500 unique visitors,and weekly growth rate of 10%.
I will provide some valuable resources to visitors to download, such as: ebook, movies, software.
I use the mailing list to promotingmy website,I will use cpalead's widget tool to promoting the offer.
Of course, I also use social networks to promote, for example: facebook, redit, twitter, etc. 路过,学习,谢谢提供。 6L牛逼。。 收藏了。。 申请联盟用。。 My website traffic main from the search engines, Every day there are about 500 unique visitors,and w ...
termjoy 发表于 2011-3-3 19:01 http://www.cnwebmasters.com/images/common/back.gif
专业 分享了。 回复 6# termjoy