Google Affiliate Network这样还有救吗?
今早收到这封信,google还真是厉害,好不容易找到的思路就这样断送了,前后24小时。Please be advised that due to substantiated reports of use of unauthorized
advertising software, your Google Affiliate Network account has been
deactivated. If you have any questions regarding our policy, please see
the Affiliate Advertising Agreement to which you consented upon joining
our network.
If you have evidence that these actions were not made by you or anyone
affiliated with your account, please contact us as soon as possible by
replying to this email. 那就联系他嘛 哎,E文太差看不懂,帮不了你! 可以查出你你使用的软件?这么神。 估计是没救了,很悬:L 一旦被断定了emu,除非你英文吹水能力暴强,否则很难混得过去的